Chapter 12: Sharing Secrets

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"Where's the party at? Hey Y/N what kind of music you got? Heat man I brought your guitar!" Kid came barging into your house. Benn had left and told you to leave everything to him, you'd felt an immeasurable amount of guilt for always depending on him, but he just hugged you and said you were family and he would keep you safe.

"We brought food and booze too." Killer placed everything onto your table and patted your back as he looked around. You'd locked the room where you had all your equipment for your online series, you'd told Heat it was your storage room and he didn't question it any further.

"Alright, Y/N I'm borrowing your kitchen. Anything in particular you don't like to eat?"

"Uh coconut."


Killer moved into the kitchen and began his work, Kid and Wire went into the living room. And started raiding your DVD collection when Kid noticed your art pieces.

"What the hell? Where's the TV?" Kid groaned.

"Uh my room."

He went into your room and brought out your TV. You went to get your art supplies out of the way.

"I'm surprised your house doesn't smell more like paint." Wire observed, and helped you gather everything.

"You paint Y/N?" He walked over to one that you painted a year ago, a raven silhouette with the depiction of buildings and a rainy night being inside of it. You wanted to poke fun at him for asking that question since you had evidence of you painting literally everywhere.

"Yeah. That was a piece I made almost 2 years ago when I was finally able to bring myself to paint again."

"Why did you stop before?" Kid was walking around looking at your place and all the paintings that littered your walls.

"That is a long story, too long to tell sober." You admitted then the redhead sneered.

"That's why we're going to eat and drink to our hearts content and then we're going to be your shrinks and listen to your sob story."

And sure, enough three hours later, that's what started to happen. Killer was an amazing cook, and he made two different pasta dishes, that he promised he'd give you the recipe for if he got to take home two of your paintings, it was a fair trade in your mind.

You were all in your living room, the TV was running and all the guys were comfy, when your phone rang. You looked and saw it was Perona, you excused yourself to answer it.

"Hi." You answered curtly you were still mad and with the gaslighting text message she sent you earlier still pissed you off.

"So what you're going to be mad at me now?"

"I answered didn't I? If I was seriously pissed at you I wouldn't have bothered."

It went quiet on the other end, you could hear her breathing like she was trying to calm herself down.

"I get it Perona, it was a joke, but you didn't try to call me to tell me that. And I called you over and over again! I thought something bad happened to you. That someone had locked you up, kidnapped you! For fucks sake Perona I thought someone hurt you. And the fact that you didn't bother to get back to me freaked me out!"

You ended your rant, and you waited to see what she said.

"Don't blame me that you can't take a joke, I'm sorry that my friends decided to do something nice for me and I didn't think to call since I was having so much fun."

You wanted to shout but didn't. It'd taken a good hour to know that you overreacted earlier on the phone. But the gaslighting that she was doing to you was really starting to tick you off.

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now