Chapter 3: Getting to know you

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"Oh God are you okay?" Heat came over and scanned your body.

"A little bruise nothing big."

"Again my bad." The redhead groaned.

"No it's okay I startle easily. I'm not upset."

"You might be when you take a look at your bike..." the blonde stated. You took a look and sure enough it was bent on the handle bars, they were unusable now.

"Oh..." it was all you could think of saying.

"Do you have a friend who could come get you? I'll wait with you until they get here!" Heat quickly blurted out.

"Uh no that's okay. I can walk home."

"Where do you live?"

"South Blue Apartments on Main St."

"That's a good ways away." The blonde guy commented.

"Hey we live in South Blue townhouses. We don't mind you hitching a ride." It was a little weird that they lived just down the road from you, and Heat was being very nice but you felt like you were being a bother.

"I don't want to be a bother."

"Oh please if anything hitching a ride with us will save these two from giving me crap about causing your bike to go out of commission." Kid had grumbled.


"It's really not a big deal Y/N." Just then your stomach growled, really loudly. You hadn't eaten anything since 1pm and it was now almost midnight.

"Uh thanks but uh...I should probably go eat something. See ya." You started to walk away when you felt a pull on your shoulder.

"Uh I'll join you." Heat had a light pink dusting his cheeks.

"Oh well..."

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something...if that's okay. I know that we don't really know each other but I go to the bookstore all the time, I always see you there. But I promise I'm not stalking you or anything." He was talking fast, trying to get all the information out without sounding like a creep.

"Oh uh okay...I was just going to go to Shakky's."

"Sounds good." His smile looked sad. But his body language told you he was happy. "Hey guys! I'll see you at home!" The other two nodded, the blonde one reattaching your lock to your bike.

"Thank you." You yelled. Luckily no one lived on this road so you didn't need to worry about volume.

"Shall we?" He was walking in the opposite direction.

"Um isn't the cafe this way?"

"Oh yeah but we're going on my motorcycle. Faster and this way I can take you home and not worry about you." You hesitated. He smiled again that sad Glasgow smile. "If it'll make you feel better you can have the cops on speed dial."

"What? No no, it's just I've never been on a motorcycle and I don't really know I guess I'm just nervous."

"Oh well as you know my name is Heat. I'm 25, I work at a mechanic shop during the day. At night I write music my true passion. I also enjoy runs along the coast hiking..." he smirked a little bit before bending down to your level. "...also hearing cute girls sing to themselves along the coastline." You were confused by what he meant. At first.

"Oh my God!" You put your face in your palms, incredibly embarrassed.

"Hahaha don't be shy, your voice is pretty but I gotta say your singing voice is downright gorgeous."

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now