Chapter 14: More Friends

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You woke up being spooned by Heat, he slept with you in the bed but made sure he kept his clothes on and slept on top of the covers while you slept underneath. His arms were warm, and solid the tattoos that ran over his skin and came up to his throat had you tracing the lines with your fingers, going over the artwork that must've been painful to get done, and must've taken a lot of time to complete.

"That tickles Y/N." Heat's eyes weren't open and his voice was deep, graveled and drowsy, you loved the sound.

"Sorry I was admiring your artwork on your skin." You whispered sheepishly, hoping he kept his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes, the brown orbs seemed to stare into your very soul and see all your secrets.

"Ever think about getting some yourself?"

"Yeah, but I'm too chicken to do it alone."

You heard your door open and Shakky's and Benn's voiced ringing out.

"I'll go and see them real quick if you want to sleep some more?"

"Nah. I have some things to do today and I have three different houses to go to today for music lessons. But I'll text you when I'm done. Maybe we can record the songs I have for seasons 2 and 3 for A Pirate's true desires?"

"Sounds good to me."

You sat up and stretched your arms over your head, your shoulders cracking and a yawn escaping your mouth. Heat was simply staring at you smiling his sad smile before mimicking you. The door burst open and Shakky stood on the other side of it looking smug as hell.

"Still haven't done the deed?"

"SHAKKY!!!" You were mortified! Your face instantly turning red! Out of the corner of your eye you even saw Heat sporting his own small blush before clearing his throat.

"Ahem! I need to get going." He kissed your hair and stood up. "See you later this evening? I'll make dinner."

"You cook?"

"No. But I know how to order take out." He winked and you giggled before he kissed your lips and walked out of the room, Shakky giving him space to exit.

Once he was gone you went on your feet, Shakky was giving you a shit eating grin.

"So...?" You blushed and shook your head. "He didn't ask you out?"

"I mean yes, but we didn't do anything sexual."

She squealed out and ran over to you and hugged you.

"My baby is growing up!" She had fake tears running down her face it made you chuckle.

"I thought I already was grown up?"

"This is a different growing up sweetie! Ooooo!" She gave you another squeeze and helped you pack the rest of your things. Mostly all your art supplies and your ipads and laptops and your voice recording equipment, just in case.

An hour later you were now unpacking at the small house that's right behind the restaurant and started to set up all your equipment. You heard a text message come in, and you check it to see Heat's name across the screen, an involuntary smile come to your face.

Heat: Hey! I'll be done in about another three hours. I'll come get you, do you like Korean food? 😅

You: Hey okay, I'll meet you in front of the restaurant. I've never tried Korean food, but I see videos of it, and it always looks good. 🤤

Heat: Alright, I'll see you soon. xoxoxo! ❤️

You: See you then ❤️

Your cheeks start to burn, and you felt that smile stay on your face. You start to hum the music from the music you both recorded from before, and you started to sing it out loud. When you heard a knock on the door, you blinked Shakky wouldn't bother knocking, and neither would Benn.

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now