Chapter 11: Rough Beginnings pt. 2

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The screaming had you freaking out. The line hung up, and you looked to Nami who seemed just as worried as you did.

"Y/N...what happened? Did I hear a scream?"

You frantically called back only to go straight to voicemail! You kept calling and calling even when you started walking back to the bookstore.

"Perona come on! Dammit pick up!"

On your 17th try you were finally connected. And you heard giggling.

"Hororororo Y/N! Sorry, my friends played a prank on me. What's up?"

What's up? After scaring you to death, and ignoring 16 of your phone calls, she asks what's up? And you were on speaker because you heard laughing in the background.

"Are you insane Perona?!" You yelled. It was quiet now. "You scream, I call you over and over again no answer. You wait until I call 17 times before answering and you ask what's up? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

She should know better. She had her won experiences with being held hostage and essentially being kidnapped. She knew your past trauma and still she did this to you.

"Find somewhere else to stay when you get here Perona. I'm so mad at you I don't even know if I can be friends with you anymore."

"Huh? Y/N wait!"

You hung up and ran your fingers through your hair, making it stick out.

"Y/N...are you okay?"

"No I'm not. Sorry Nami I'll come by tomorrow but I need to be alone right now."

Before she could say anything else, you quickly unlocked your bike and rode towards home. Taking the shortest route to get home as soon as possible. You sent a quick text to Heat to tell him that you'd caught a stomach bug, and couldn't make it. When you got home you locked all your locks. Went into your room and hid under rug covers and proceeded to have a panic attack.

Why would she do that? Why? Why? Does she really view our friendship the same? Why would she let someone use her personal phone? Why would she make me believe someone tried to hurt her? Why?

Because she doesn't want to be your friend anymore. She's realized that she can spread her wings and all you are is extra weight.

~3 years ago~

It'd been a year since you'd joined, there were several projects that you were working on, and you also had to teach a class tomorrow morning. You hadn't been home in two days, Diamanté not letting you leave until you finished this episode.

"L/N! What the fuck was with the animation last week? It's getting worse!"

"Maybe if you'd actually let me sleep, a normal sleep schedule and I don't know let me eat every once in a while. I'd perform the way you want me to."

"You talking back to me now bitch?"

"Yes I am! I'm exhausted! I'm worn out and burnt out! I can't give good quality like this! Let me go home! I have sick leave and I'm going to be using it. I won't be coming in tomorrow. And I'm leaving. Get someone else to finish this episode!"

You got up to leave, Diamanté following you.

"If you even think about leaving you're fired!"

"Fine with me!"

You tried your key card to leave but couldn't.

What the hell why isn't it working?!

"Let me out! I quit! So let me out!" You were pounding on the door at this point. Trying your hardest to leave.

You were being dragged away by security. Taking you somewhere. You were yelling, kicking and screaming! They continued to drag you and threw you into a loft. With a bathroom, shower and bed. You banged on the door until you broke your pinky finger.

"Y/N?! Hey where are you?"

You heard a voice in your house and got even more afraid.


Heat why was he here. He tried to turn the knob but you'd locked it.

"H-Heat? Uh hang on..."

You went to unlock the door, and then were tackled back onto the bed.

"Are you okay? I've been trying to call you for over an hour, Benn is here too! Wow are you really sick? You look really pale."

You couldn't even get any words out, but tears started to stream down your face. Heat used his thumbs to wipe them away and then kissed your forehead. You hugged him, his warmth and strength flowing into you.

"Heat I'm so scared! I'm scared..."

Benn just happened to walk into your room when you said that.

"Y/N, Nami told me that Diamanté threatened you. I already sent the footage to the police. He'll be receiving a visit and a warning for violating the restraining order."

Heat pulled you up, and kept you close. Not once letting you go.

"Doflamingo did too. He was here yesterday."

"He came here? To your home?!" Benn yelled. You simply nodded. "Damn him, I'm going to talk to your management office to get that footage."

You told him the day and about what time, and just like that Benn was gone. Heat pulled you in closer.

"Y/N what happened? Why does Doflamingo keep appearing around you?"

You didn't know how to even explain all that had happened to you. You looked at him his strong, courageous brown eyes, the firmness in his hands and handsome frown.

"It's not something I think I talk about sober."

He smiled then, and kissed your forehead again.

"Why didn't you say so? Mind if I invite a few people over? Play some games?"


You were so confused. But before you could ask what he meant he called Wire, and told him to bring Kid and Killer and all their board games. You didn't even know what to make of this predicament.


Perona: Y/N I am really sorry. But you didn't need to take it that seriously. It was just a joke meant for me. Why are you so mad about something that has nothing to do with you?

Did she seriously just try to gaslight you?!

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now