Chapter 15: Movement in the Shadows

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Two weeks later and you were finally back to work. You'd actually missed going into work, being around Nami you didn't realize how much you missed her random chit chatting until you had far too much silence around you. She's visited you almost every day though, when Heat wasn't with you, or taking you to hang out with Kid, Killer and Wire. You had all their numbers and they'd included you in their group chat. It felt nice...having more people to talk to.

You were coming in when you saw Benn talking to some redhead guy, not wanting to disturb their conversation you slipped past to clock in, and start the workday.

"Y/N!!! Yay you're back!!! I missed you!!!" Nami threw her arms around you as you placed your shoulder bag beneath the register.

"You saw me yesterday Nami. You walked in on me and Heat hugging remember?"

"Uh no it was more than a hug. It was a lover's hug." She shivered and made a gagging sound making you giggle.

"What's the difference?"

"The way he looked at you. Like he wanted to be between your legs with his face."

"NAMI!!" You covered her mouth with your hands you could feel the blush creeping on your face! "We haven't done more than kiss and I've already told you that!"


"We just started officially dating two weeks ago!"

She hummed and was about to say something else when she suddenly frowned. You turned to look and saw someone you didn't think you'd run into again. It was the girl that was with Bellamy. You couldn't for the life of you though remember her name.

"Hi welcome. You know what you're looking for or just browsing?" You said when she saw you her eyes turned to slits and she reached over the counter and slapped you across the face.


What the fuck?!

"Miss I don't know what happened but I'm not with Bellamy. Never was and never will be."


Before you could say anything else, Heat walked in with his signature sad smile, but when he saw your red cheek his smile dropped. And he walked over to you, ignoring the chick who hit you and gently taking your face into both of his huge hands.

"Baby what the hell happened? Why's your cheek so red?"

"Hey Heat. It's just a misunderstanding."

He caressed your cheek but gave you a stern look.

"Misunderstanding my ass. This bitch came out of nowhere and slapped you and said Bellamy broke up with her because of Y/N. Which is bullshit!"

Heat's eyes went from a milk chocolate color to pure black. It was the first time you'd seen him mad, it made you a little unnerved, but you still smiled at him. He turned to the girl and she stepped back.

"Miss. I am sorry that Bellamy broke up with you, but you deserve someone so much better than someone who hits women. I'll let the slap slide this one time. If you do it again my fist will be what connects to your nose."

It looked like she was going to cry, but she stormed out of the store, and ran into Benn before stumbling out the door.

"Y/N, why is your cheek red?" Benn asked with a raised brow.

"A misunderstanding and one chance given. I'll be fine. Heat were you looking for something?"

You quickly changed the subject and directed your attention to your boyfriend. He was frowning but sighed and then kissed your cheek.

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now