Chapter 4: Bikes and fights

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This chapter is going to switch between reader's pov and Heat's. It'll happen intermittently and I won't be specifying where. Sorry if it gets a little confusing!! Enjoy the chapter sorry it's taken me so long for this story!!!!!

After Heat left, you were restless. You wrote in your story journal that you had to come up with new show ideas for your channel, before you started to yawn and got tired enough to attempt going to sleep.

Running into Bellamy had reminded you of the time when he'd tried to get to Perona through you. Even went so far as to stalking you before you'd gone to Benn to ask for help. You felt your anxiety pick up, but then you remembered the song that Heat had played for you. You hummed it and your eyes became heavy, sleep finally taking over.

You didn't sleep well at all, you woke up every hour from a nightmare you couldn't remember. After you woke up again at 6 am you gave up on trying to get any kind of sleep. You made coffee and decided to do random sketches, you always ended up drawing little animal comics with cats and canaries.

When 9am rolled around you took a shower and decided to put on makeup again today so you didn't look so tired. You went out to the front of the apartments to wait for Heat, you looked at your email and realized you hadn't listened to the music that Captain Jack had sent you, but looking at the clock it was 10 minutes before Heat was going to come and get you. So you walked out of your apartment to meet him at the gates.

When you went out he was already there. His kickstand down, and he was wearing blue jeans, and a black hoodie, and black Nike shoes. His dreads were pulled back into a low ponytail. His tattoos on his neck made a stronger appearance, he was extremely handsome.

"Uh good morning." He looked at you and smiled.

"Morning. How's your hand." The bruising was pretty dark around your knuckles, he took a look at it and grimaced. "Was Bellamy's face made of rocks?"

"No I'm just a wuss." He grabbed your hand and grazed your knuckles gently.

"A wuss wouldn't have been able to throw that punch in the first place."

You flushed a little bit, you didn't try to move your hand away though. His hands radiated warmth and it felt rather nice against the soreness you felt right now.

"You're the real tough guy, your punch knocked him out completely. I only gave him a bloody nose."

"Hahaha well I've got at least 50 pounds of muscle on you." He winked at you, you'd never been great at flirting.

"I'm sure you do. Uh you don't have to pick me up. I plan on taking my bike to the shop and getting it fixed. I can take the bus home. But I'll give you gas money..." he held up his hand to stop your tirade.

"Don't worry about the gas I offered so no reason to give me that. Also I will pick you up, cause I need to repay you for dinner last night, and well...I wanted to ask you something. But for now, I'll just take you to work. Your makeup looks nice by the way." Again with the compliments, it's not that you didn't receive them, Nami complimented you plenty of times, you'd just never been given a sincere compliment from the male species. Benn did but he didn't count he was like family.

The ride was nice, you weren't as nervous since you'd ridden with him the night before so you didn't hold on as tight. When you made it to the bookshop your bike was gone.

"Oh no! Who steals a broken bike?"

"For real...that sucks I'm sorry Y/N." Heat honestly didn't know what to say. He sent a quick text to Kid seeing if he maybe brought his truck to fix it. When his friend texted back, he said he had been planning on it but hadn't gotten to coming for it. Heat sent him another text explaining the situation, letting his friend know it wouldn't be necessary anymore.

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now