Chapter 21: Concussion and Confusion

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You wake up with a chorus of beeping, it was annoying. You attempted to open your eyes, but they seemed heavy. You tried to get up, but your body was also cumbersome.

"When is she going to wake up?" You heard Heat's voice. You wanted to tell him you were awake, but the fact that your eyes wouldn't do what you wanted, and you couldn't speak all you could do was listen.

"I do not know sir. The fact that she had a concussion and got it at the police department is worrisome. Usually, they are brought directly here if they are injured. But they don't know who injured her."

"This is fucking ridiculous!"

"Sir have the police spoken to you about your fiancé?"

"No. They haven't. Last I heard they were checking the CCTV footage to see if she hurt herself. Y/N wouldn't do that!"

Tears started to stream down your face and your heart rate picked up. 

"Y/N? Are you awake baby?"

Your eyes slowly started to open, as the tears started to run down your face.

"Heat? Where am I?"

"Oh baby! You scared me half to death! What happened?"

"I-I don't remember...Heat the last thing I remember was talking to Perona out front of the bookstore."

You felt someone at your side, and saw a young doctor with black hair, yellowish eyes, and tattoos on his fingers that spelt DEATH, which for a doctor was rather morbid.

"Ms. Y/N, you've been out for 4 days. You had a severe concussion we had to induce a coma to help reduce swelling and ensure nothing else could make it worse. But seeing as you said you don't remember being arrested or going to jail-"


Yelling only made your head hurt. You threw your hands into your hair and Heat gathered you in his arms. 

"Shh baby shh it's okay."

"What happened to me?"

"Mr. Heat, please I need to check her over."

Heat squeezed you, he hadn't wanted to leave your side. After a series of prodding and poking Heat came and sat next to you again.

"So Ms. Y/N, on a scale of 1-10 how's the pain in your head?"

"A 7. It's like a constant ache."

"Your head doesn't feel like it's pounding?" The doctor, who you could now read his name tag as Trafalgar Law asked you. 

"Only when I sat up quickly and yelled."

"I want to keep you overnight again, and then you'll need to make an appointment with your regular provider in a couple of weeks so that they can check on you to make sure that you're still doing okay."

"Alright. Would I be able to take a shower?"

"You can but you'll have to wash your hair in the sink, you have stitches that can't get wet, but they should be able to come out tomorrow before you're discharged."

"Thank You Dr. I appreciate it."

"No worries. If I were you, I would sue the police department. This happened there."

You simply nodded your head and when he left you looked at Heat and he cradled your body against his. 

"Baby don't ever do that to me again."

"Heat why did I get arrested? I feel very confused." 

Heat kissed your chapped lips, and you were vaguely aware that your breath probably smelled wretched. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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