Chapter 5: Vacations and Revelations

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You felt heavy and groggy, when you opened your eyes Shakky and Benn were talking in hushed voices. Both seemingly upset.

Did I really cause a fight at my workplace? I'm going to be fired for sure.

"Mr. Benn? Shakky?" You croaked out damn your throat was dry.

"Y/N!!! Don't ever scare us like that again! If you do I'm disowning you!" Shakky gripped you in an oxygen stealing embrace.


"I'm going to get you some water and a nurse. Be right back." When she left you were in a quiet room with your soon to be ex-boss. He had a frown on his face, his arms were crossed.

"What led up to him seeking you out at the store Y/N? Be honest with me."

You were, you told him everything. From Heat's friend breaking your bike, your dinner with Heat and then Bellamy being in the parking lot leaning on Heat's motorcycle. To how he mentioned Perona, you hitting him, how Bellamy started to go after you again to how Heat knocked him out.

"So basically a big mess. Instead of going after the guy who left him unconscious he came after you."

"Bellamy acts tough, but he's really a wimp who goes after opponents who he knows can't say no or can't fight back. I think he was on something too, he seemed way more...I don't know how to describe his behavior."

Mr. Benn let out a breath then finally came over to you and patted your head.

"I'm going to let the officers know that you're ready to talk. Tell them everything you told me, leave nothing out. Okay? And I'm putting you on your vacation early."

"I'm not fired?" He stared at you wide eyed and tilted his head to the side.

"Why would you be fired? You didn't start the fight you were defending yourself. Besides your my most loyal employee, firing you wouldn't do me or my business any good." He squeezed your shoulder and walked out.

"It's nice to know that I still have my day job."

You heard another knock on the door, in walked the same detective you saw before you passed out. You were more shocked as to who was behind him, it was Heat.

"Hello Ms. L/N, I'm just here to ask you a few questions. I understand your concussed, so I'll try to keep it brief."

"Uh yessir." Heat sat beside you on your bed, and placed an arm around you, the action had you raising a brow but you decided to ignore it. "Ahem, well this is what happened..."

"And he said that he was valuable to someone?"

"I have no idea what he meant it'd been a couple years since I'd seen Bellamy, he wasn't allowed in the bookstore and he didn't know where I lived plus he never sought me out after I threatened legal action against him." You left out the part where Benn threatened him.

"I see well we did take a drug test and while he was on something we have no idea what it is."

"So what's going to happen next?" Heat asked. "Am I going to be charged with assualt?"

"Wait what? Why would he be charged? I hit him first!"

"But mine knocked him out..." you were about to say something when someone else walked into the room and it was someone who you never wanted to see again. Donquixote Doflamingo. You retreated into Heats chest and even grabbed his leg, he saw this and brought you closer.

"Mufufufufu well, well...nice seeing you again Ms. Y/N."

No no no no no no! Why is he here? I haven't breached the contract that was made...why is he here?

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now