Chapter 20: A night in Jail

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You were thinking about how to use this as a scene for your show. Maybe have Heat's character get arrested on purpose to meet your character. They talk and Heat's character flirts and talks seductively.

-Scene for A Pirate's True Desires.-

Captain Black is sitting in the cell. He is keenly interested in a melting candle when he hears a noise. The door opens. The little medic he'd seen and slipped a note to come to visit. She stands at the cell door and crosses her arm over her chest with the note in her hand.

"Hello beautiful I see you got my love note." His voice is full of mirth and flirty, He notices her cheeks go pink and he smirks even bigger. 

"Is there something that you want jerk?"

He chuckles at her insult. He'd been called worse, this girl apparently hadn't been part of the Navy for long, her vocabulary would get naughtier. He stands to his full height. Jace would be coming to get him soon and he had told him, this girl was off limits. He stares at her bouncy midnight black curly hair, eager to run his hands through it. Her different colored eyes were mesmerizing. Her slight frame with gorgeous curves made him lick his lips. Before she could know what, he meant to do he pulled her into the bars and planted a kiss to her lips. Using his other arm around her waist and pulled her closer. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and dominated the kiss. Pain spread on his tongue, and he pulled back and spat blood. Looking at her again her cheeks were pink and she was wiping her lips with the back of her hand. 

"W-What was that for?"

"Me staking my claim."

"Inmate L/N. You are needed for questioning."

It'd been two hours since you called Heat and gave him your account information for the bail money. They placed $3K for you. Three thousand dollars for slapping someone who used to be a friend. But then again, Vergo was the one processing everything. 

You stood and followed the young officer to the questioning room. When you got there your heart leapt to your throat. Not only was Vergo there, but so was Doflamingo. 

"Mufufufufu. Hello Little Y/N. It's a shame this is the only way I can talk to you. But here we are."

You sat down, and realized the new officer was also on Doflamingo's payroll. You knew you were screwed. 

"What do you want?" You got straight to the point.

"Now, now Y/N. I am merely here because of the assault on one of my models. Imagine my surprise when I noticed it was you."

You swallowed and fixed your glasses on your nose. You said nothing. Better to say you wanted a lawyer.

"Now before you go and ask for a lawyer, I am willing to convince Perona to drop the charges against you."

Again you stayed quiet.

"I want you to give me the rights for Pirate's True Desires. And you come back to work for me. You do that and this all goes away. If not, then this will be on your record. Is that really what you want?"

You again said nothing. When suddenly felt a hand grab your chin and squeeze making you whimper in pain. you attempted to remove his hand from you, but then he pulled you closer to his face.

"Talk you bitch. What's it gonna be?"

"I want a lawyer."

He growled and tossed you back causing you to hit your head on the ground. Blood pooled and you winced. Shit you probably had a concussion.

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now