Chapter 6: Chemistry

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You were exhausted. Shakky actually let you sleep, but she woke you up every 2-3 hours and made you stay awake for an hour to make sure you were okay. Funny enough about Shakky is she used to be a nurse, apparently the head doctor tried to get a little too handsy with her she knocked him out. Decided to use the settlement money to open her restaurant.

You'd come to live with her around that time, your Mom hadn't been the best parent, she would ignore you, forget to feed you, and never gave you clean clothes. Or affection. When you came to Shakky everything had been new. She showered you with love and gifts, bath bombs, delicious food and lots of laughs.

When you woke up, she made you oatmeal, eggs, bacon, rice and pancakes. She made two helpings one for you and one for Heat.

"I'll wait to see if he wants coffee, but remember no caffeine for you today or tomorrow, and you are to come back here and spend the rest of your day sleeping! Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." You yawned it was going to be a very tiring morning. Hopefully Heat wasn't expecting much from you.

"Hey Y/N, good morning. How's your head feeling?" Speak of the devil he came up from behind you and placed a hand between your shoulder blades. His Glasgow smile making your heart flutter.

"Hey Heat, yeah I'm okay. A little headache but nothing too bad. Shakky already made everything for us."

"I see that this is quite a spread. How much do I owe miss?"

Shakky smiled and leaned forward. Showing even more of her voluptuous cleavage. Heat however kept his eyes on her face.

"For you darling? 45 belis."

"Here's 60, keep the change. May I get a cup of coffee as well?" She nodded and went to pour him a new cup of freshly brewed coffee.

"You're a nice person Heat. Anyone ever tell you that?"

"My appearance usually scares most away."

"Why though? You're an attractive guy." You'd been sketching him for the last few days you would know. Heat cheeks turned a little pink and he looked away.

"Ahem, well thank you Y/N."

"People can be real jerks I guess huh?"

"Hahaha indeed."

Shakky came over with his coffee you took this opportunity to start eating your food. You'd save the pancakes for last since they were your favorite thing to eat.

For the next 30 minutes, there was no talking. Just the two of you quietly enjoying each other's company and the food. Since you couldn't have coffee you asked for orange juice. After a minute you felt a little sleepy, you leaned into Heat half awake. He drew you in closer smiling.

"Something tells me that we should postpone this outing for another day." He chuckled.

"No no. I'm okay. I'd rather get the bike today. That way I can get around sorry. Didn't mean to lean on you."

"I don't mind." He gave you his signature smirk and kept you under his arm as he finished his third cup of coffee. "I'm done, if you want to head out now?"

"Mhm that's fine. Shakky save my pancakes I'll have them for dinner."

"Got it sweetie! Come home once your done. Tomorrow you can go back to your place."

"Love you too!" You walked out and went to Heat's truck.

"You sure you're going to be okay? I feel like we should do this tomorrow."

"Yeah, I don't have a car, a bike is how I get around."

"What about when it rains?"

"I have a bus pass that I renew each year. But I do have a driver's license Shakky and I go out on drives every other weekend when we can. She has a 68 Vegapunk."

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now