Chapter 17: Be a little braver

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{Here is the tattoo that reader designs for Heat}{The paint easel with the paintbrushes is reader's}

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{Here is the tattoo that reader designs for Heat}
{The paint easel with the paintbrushes is reader's}

After the fourth band that Heat had wanted to see you were getting hungry. You'd walked over to a food stand with him trailing behind you. You asked him what he wanted, and he ordered a burger. You did the same. Before you could hand over the cash, Heat had swiped his card, and smirked.

"I'm supposed to be paying for this date Heat." You crossed your arms, but uncrossed them when he cupped your face in his hands, and kissed you passionately, earning a few whistles and cheers from people around you.

"You paid for the passes and the beers. If all I get you is an overpriced burger I'd say we're even."

You blushed before finding somewhere to sit. You were feeling extremely overwhelmed with all the people around you, but you bared it for Heat's sake.

"So what else did you have planned for today?"

"Something that we would need to leave for, but if you have more bands you want to see, we can do it another time."

Heat took a bite of his food seeming to contemplate what he wanted to do.

"The four we saw are my favorites. After we eat, we can head to the other place."

You smiled and felt giddy, hoping he liked your surprise, you felt his hand on your thigh the constant rubbing of his thumb the pressure warmed your body. And did something you weren't familiar with. When he moved his hands higher stopping at mid thigh you felt your face flush.

"What's wrong Y/N? You got quiet."

When you turned to stare at him, his eyes were clouded with something, and he moved towards you.

"I know you wore those tights to keep warm but I would love to see you in this skirt again with no tights."

Your face warmed even more you mouth opened and then closed it. When you went to say something he grabbed the back of your neck and kissed you deeply again. His other hand continued to rub your thigh.

"Ha ha ha...H-Heat? What was that?"

"My self control snapping slightly. Shit. Let's finish eating and then we'll go."


You handed him the CDs of the bands you'd just seen.

"Careful Y/N, you keep spoiling me, I may just have to leave my appreciation all over your body." He winked at you and you looked away causing a chuckle to leave his throat.

Is what I'm about to do going to be considered spoiling him?

After eating your burgers, you quickly grabbed more churros. Heat snatched a few from you when you reached the car.

You handed Heat the keys and he smirked.

"Take another photo of me behind the wheel? Let's torture Kid some more."

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now