Chapter 7: Flirting 101

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You were at your apartment again, you loved Shakky but being able to be in your own space away from people constantly trying to talk to you was nice. You plopped onto your couch and breathed a huge sigh of relief. When you turned your phone on, you realized you had a lot of notifications. Some were text messages and most were from Alabaster for your show. Comments, likes and views. Your finale had been the most viewed out of all your episodes. 3 million in two days.

"Holy shit!" You went to read some of the comments.

The music gives this a whole new vibe! 🎶 I love it 😻

WOW! I am seriously excited for next season! I hope DA03 keeps it up with the OG music!

OMG 😱!!!! Where had this been the last few seasons! We need this to continue!

DA03 hitting us with the feels good with this one!

The guy who voices Captain Jack wrote the music apparently! Talk about multitalented!

I hope she goes back through and does this for all her previous episodes! I'll wait for the next season a little longer if she does!

The rest of the comments were very much the same. You smile and wanted to cry, most of the comments you had were positive and out of 10 people who watched your show, 7 out of 10 usually liked it. Maybe the music had always been the missing piece. Before checking your text messages you emailed Captain Jack aka Heat.

Hey Cap. Jack,
This episode was a hit! Your music was a huge success!! Thank you so much for making this show even better than it was before!!!!

I wanted to ask if you were willing to write the music for the show exclusively? Of course I'd compensate you for it! I would love to have your music bring my future episodes and seasons to life!

Email me once you've thought about it!

Again this boost in success wouldn't be possible without you. Thank you so much for loving this show so much! It shows.



You hit the send button before you had time to change your mind, going into your text messages you looked at the one from Benn first.

Benn: hey your leave paperwork is processed along with your workman's comp. You'll be getting your money into your direct deposit. There shouldn't be an issue with the pay. If there is let me know right away. I'm sorry this happened to you Y/N. I'm furious at myself.

You: thank Benn! I appreciate you handling all that for me! As for the rest of it. None of that was your fault! You're the best boss a girl could ask for.

Benn: don't act cute young lady. I'm too old to fall for that.

You: whatever you say.

The next one was from a number you didn't know.

Unknown: hey Y/'s Nami. I asked Benn for your number I hope that was okay. I just wanted to check on you to see if you were okay.

You: hey Nami I'm okay, I'm home now. It was just a slight concussion nothing too serious.

Nami: I'm sorry...I should've helped you.

You: that would've put us both in the hospital, Benn wouldn't be able to run the shop by himself. I'm sorry I'm leaving you with more work.

Nami: don't even worry about it. Benn gave me a raise and is hiring someone as a temp until you come back. He thinks he'll get a high schooler with no work experience so they have something to put on their resume.

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now