Chapter 8: Music and Art pt. 1

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"You're not allowed to draw for anyone but me anymore!"
"You think you can escape from us? You will never be free!"
"Be brave and we will help you!"
"We won't let these son of a bitches get away with this!"
"It'll be hard but you can bring out a new version of you."

You awoke from the nightmare. It was like the universe sent you nightmares on purpose. It didn't help that you'd gotten an email from SMILE Corp again. Diamanté was getting desperate, meaning that Doflamingo had watched your episode and was giving him shit for not being able to convince you. Luckily, because of what happened before any electronic device you bought was immediately taken to a specialist and very expensive protective software was placed on it. So SMILE Corp could try to spy or track on you like they did the first time.

You blocked his email on all platforms and sent it to your security office that gave you the anti-spyware, and they would take care of the rest. You paid a hefty penny for it, and it was well worth it for your piece of mind.

You checked the time, it was 6am. You had a few texts from an unknown number, some from Shakky, Heat but the one you saw that you immediately opened was the one from Perona!

Perona: Hey! I know you're probably sleeping, cause you go to bed early. But I wanted to let you that I'm visiting in the next few days. Wanna hang out?

You: Hey! Yeah I would love to! Do you have a place to stay or did you want to chill at my place? I took my vacation early and I'd still be home before my cruise.

Perona: Awesome! I'll call tomorrow! I'll crash at your place for my first few days! I miss you and need a girls only time with you!!

You: love you too P. See you soon!


Heat: Hey beautiful! I'll be by around 10am, today to pick you up, I worked an overnight last night at a truck stop, and I have the next few days off. See you later 😘

You: Hey, yeah see you then!

Heat: No kissing emoji for me? 🥺

You: ....😘

Heat: hahaha you're too cute! 🥰

You: not with how I look right now. I look like the swamp monster 🧌

Heat: awe I'm sure it's adorable. Get some more sleep 💤

You: okay 👍

Heat didn't text you again after that, you ignored the unknown number for now. It was almost 7am and you saw no point in going to sleep. You decided to go on a bike ride to break in your new one. You wanted to watch the sun rise over the ocean, getting your leggings, tennis shoes and sweatshirt on, you made sure to bring your camera and of course your tunes.

One hour later you were in a good mood. You'd gotten some very nice photos, and had a great new painting idea! Your bike rode like a dream. You were going to make sure to have to thank Kid for buying it for you.

When you got to your door, you stopped.

"What are you doing here?!" You tried to keep your voice as calm as possible but it was difficult.

"Mufufufu. I was coming to check on you. You left the hospital so quick. I went to visit you but they said you'd been discharged."

"I don't want you here leave!" You pushed past him and went to unlock your door. Before you could open it, he placed a hand on it, stopping you from opening it any further.

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now