Chapter 18: Surprises

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(3 months later)

"Y/N!!!!" You sighed and looked towards the door to see Luffy running in, he looked panicked.

"What happened?"

"I'm starving!! Do you have an extra lunch box today?"

You laughed and shook your head, these past few months, you had gotten an opportunity to make new friends, they all understood that you didn't really like big crowds and didn't make you feel guilty when you needed some space away from people.

You and Heat were still going strong, he even convinced you to get another tattoo, so you got a musical note with floral embellishments behind your ear. He made it a point to kiss it whenever he could, and Kid didn't hesitate to tease you about it whenever he could.

"Sorry Luffy, I am actually leaving early today. I have some stuff to do at home, and I didn't bring a lunch with me at all."

"Awe!!! No fair!!!"

You laughed. You were working on the newest season to A Pirates True Desires. You'd gotten enough story for a 20 episode season. Most of your seasons went up to 12, this was going to be a long one. Since you'd found love, you wanted to write a romance story, between his character, and yours.

That's right you decided that you were going to voice the new character. You'd had the story written, and were planning a short animatic announcing the new character. You were currently working on the scripts, you'd gotten 5 episodes done last weekend. You were giddy with excitement, and couldn't wait for the scripts to be sent out and Heat to hear your voice.

"Y/N? Are you okay your smile looks goofy."

Nami slapped him over the head and before you could answer a young teen named Sugar came out with a cart full of books.

"Y/N, none of these are moving, should I put them in the discount area?"

Sugar was a sweet kid, she liked to be helpful she worked hard, she mainly worked Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays but she was a welcomed addition. The one complaint you had was that she was always leaving early, and it was becoming annoying.

"Check the computers for the list first. If any of those are on the list then go ahead, otherwise the others will have to wait until next month."

"Okie-dokie boss!" She gave a little salute making you laugh.

"Hey Y/N, next week Zoro is throwing a party at his uncle's house. You coming?" Nami was giving Luffy an orange now just to appease him, that kid never stopped eating.

"Not sure. I'll think about it."

With the start of a new season you wouldn't have a lot of free time. You were leaving early today to finish editing your script, and give the voice actors the small animations on how everything would sort of look. The real animation happened after you received the first recordings back and then the real magic happened.

You were taken out of your stupor when a pair of familiar strong arms encircled your waist and hoisted you up to meet a pair of soft lips.

"Hello beautiful." Heat teased in your ear, and then kissed the tattoo behind your ear. "I heard from a little birdie that you are getting off early. Mind if I steal you away?"

"I would but I have to do something." You chuckled and attempted to move away but he kept you with him and gave you a glare.

"What's more important than having a lazy day with me at your place?"

You bit your lip, you and Heat hadn't had sex yet, but he did get you to experiment with oral and masturbation. He liked to watch you get off, it was embarrassing a lot of the time, especially when he talked dirty to you, and gave you instructions to follow.

Art and Music: HeatXReader AUWhere stories live. Discover now