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ara143 Besides chocolate you're my favourite @hisHANdsome 😊

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"You look happy today. Did something happen at college?"Ask Aria, Ara little sister.

"Jisung give me chocolate!"

"Seriously?!" Aria got excited.

Ara continued to hand the chocolate in her hand to her sister. She smiled when she saw her sister sipping the chocolate.

"Can we share?"Aria asked with a cute face.

"Sure," Ara replied before Aria hugged her.

"You're the best sister ever!"

"You're the best little sister ever."

Ara watched her 16-year-old little sister open the chocolate wrapper. At that time, her phone rang to show an incoming message.

Did Jisung give you that chocolate?

Ara just read those messages without replying. Since she dared to tag Jisung's name on her Instagram, she often gets messages like this.

Jisung is gay
I'm sure you learned about it
Didn't waste your time with him

I know
But I don't care about his sexuality
I like him cause I like him
Nobody can change my mind

Suit yourself.

She has been in love with Jisung for a long time. She follows all that man's activity on social media. When she found out Jisung moved to her college, she didn't want to miss the opportunity to approach the man. She doesn't care if she's been rejected, but at least she tries.


"I'm gay, Hwang Hyunjin! I'm not interested with girl!"

Jisung's voice echoed in the room. Hyunjin swallowed. He reached for his boyfriend's hand, but was pushed aside. Jisung went straight out of the room. Hyunjin chased.

"Baby..I'm sorry.."

"I don't care if other people don't believe in me, but I can't accept if you start not believing in me."

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