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ara143 Single life might be boring but it's peaceful.

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The girl raised her face, and Hyunjin had once pulled up a chair in front of her.

"You already order.."Hyunjin asked when he saw the food in front of the girl.

"I'm hungry."

The server came to take the order from Hyunjin who just wanted iced americano.

"Why do you want to see me?"

Ara pushed her phone with a picture of Hyunjin and Hwa Young on it..

Hyunjin's face changed, looking at the picture

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Hyunjin's face changed, looking at the picture.

“Where did you get this picture?” Not only the face, Hyunjin's voice also turned to serious.

"Hwa Young."

"You know her?!"

"She's my best friend. Ex-best friend .."

"Ex?" Hyunjin frowned in a sign of not understanding.

"She slept with my ex-boyfriend."

"Typical Hwa Young.."Hyunjin said before thanking the server who sent his order.

"I assume Jisung didn't know about Hwa Young, right?"

"I'm not ready to tell him."

"But why? What is your reason?"Pressed Ara.

"Why should I tell you? We're just classmates. Nothing than that," Hyunjin replied and inserted his ice americano.

"Okay, maybe I just your classmates, but Jisung? He is your boyfriend. You must tell him everything."

"I'm leaving!"

"You got two choices. Do it now or regret it later!"

Hyunjin didn't reply, instead, he continued to leave Ara. The girl let out a heavy groan. She just wishes Hyunjin to be frank with Jisung. That's all. Although she still likes Jisung, but she still wants the man to be happy.

Secret Boyfriend | Hyunsung (✓)Where stories live. Discover now