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INchangbinBoyfie Spend my time with my favourite hyung at my boyfriend place 🥰

📸 @INboyfriend Thanks Changbin-hyung! I love you 😘


hisHANdsome Now I'm craving cheesecake and ice Americano 🤤
🔁 hisHyunie I'll buy it for you 😚😊
🔁 hisHANdsome Aww. Thank you baby 😘
🔁 INchangbinBoyfie So sweet 😍

INboyfriend You're welcome baby and I love you too 😘 and @hisHANdsome please come again at my place 😄
🔁 hisHANdsome sure hyung!
🔁 yourBangChan maybe we can listen to the all tracks at Binnie place?
🔁 INboyfriend yes, please!
🔁 hisHANdsome sound like a plan




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