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INboyfriend It's okay to keep your relationship private but don't hide the fact you're in love ❤️


@yourBangChan Wow Binnie. Wow!
🔁 INboyfriend Well 😌

INchangbinBoyfie I'm in love with Changbin-hyung 🥰
🔁 meSeungminie @INchangbinBoyfie My baby grows up so fast 🥺
🔁 yourBangChan BABY? Who's your baby @meSeungminie? 🤨
🔁 INchangbinBoyfie Someone's jealous 😌
🔁 meSeungminie of course you, hyung @yourBangChan 😘
INboyfriend Did you two just flirting at my comments section? 🤦


Hyunjin hugged Jisung's body tightly, who had just stepped into his house. After feeling the warmth of his boyfriend's body, he continued to let go of the hug. But this time his lips catch by Jisung. Concise, but still able to publish a smile on his mouths.

"I miss you.."Jisung muttered and hugged Hyunjin's neck.

"I miss you too, love.."Hyunjin replied and kissed his boyfriend's lips once again.

"And I'm hungry," Jisung complained before being greeted with a brief laugh from Hyunjin.

Without hesitation, Hyunjin pulled out Jisung's suitcase. The younger followed from behind. Since Jisung often comes there, so he continues to head to the couch. Lie down and keep his eyes closed.

"You want to eat, or you want to sleep?"

"I want you.."Jisung replied without opening his eyes. Hyunjin smiled before approaching Jisung. He knelt in front of his boyfriend's face before kissing the forehead of the guy he loved.

"You have to eat for energy because after that, I want to 'eat' you.."Hyunjin whispered close to Jisung's ear, causing the guy to open his eyes.

Hyunjin stand and held out his hand. The younger shook the hand before standing up. They both continued on to the dining area.

Jisung's eyes shone at the dish on the table. All the dishes are Jisung's favorites. Hyunjin has no problem to deal with the kitchen, unlike Jisung. If Jisung wants to cook something, someone has to monitor that man. Otherwise, the stove could catch fire.

"I have something to ask.."Hyunjin said as soon as he reached for the chopsticks.


"Who's your ex-boyfriend?"

Jisung frowned at the question. He reminded Hyunjin that he was not interested in finding out.


"Minho-hyung? Lee Minho?" Bitter taste of saliva when imagining the popular man at his college was his boyfriend, ex..

"The one and only. But we'll be dating not too long. Just in six months,"Jisung replied while chewing the food.

Six months, not too long? Huh! Hyunjin lay the chopsticks back on the table. He looked at his boyfriend's face before speaking.

"You know Jeongin ever liked you?"

Jisung just nodded. He sipped ice Americano while dipping into his boyfriend's face. There was a worried ripple on the man's face. This time, Jisung set his chopsticks on the table. Maybe the moment has come for him to tell his past love story.

"When I was near high school, I liked Seungmin and at the same time Jeongin liked me. But then I started close to Minho-hyung before we're officially dating. Seungmin knew I liked him, and I realized Jeongin liked me. However Seungmin didn't like me and I don't like Jeongin either, I mean in terms of romantic feelings. But, we can still be friends as usual. "

"May I know why you all break up?"

"His parents..homophobia.."Jisung replied in a slow tone.

"Suppose you all break up because you have to?"

"Less and more. But how about you, Hyunie? May I know who's your ex-boyfriend?"Jisung asked as soon as he reached for the chopsticks again. He reconnected the feed into his mouth. His eyes were faithfully staring at his pretty boyfriend.

The older cast a glance to the side. Somehow, his mouth was heavy, just wanting to tell about his ex.

"It's okay, baby. Take your time.."Jisung said with a smile. His left hand reached for Hyunjin's right hand, which was on the table. Hyunjin's fingers were stroked slowly.

"No matter whatever happens, I love you more than anything,"Hyunjin revealed before kissing the back of his boyfriend's palm.

"You better.."



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