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Hongjoong, Yuna and Cherry were shocked to hear the story from Jisung. Occasionally, Soobin interrupted. Add what he knows. Yuna and Cherry while cooking, asking various questions to Jisung.

"But oppa, didn't you want to give him a second chance? I'm not taking his side, okay? I just didn't want you to regret with your decision,"Yuna spoke carefully.

"Her questions are like my question,"Soobin added to Jisung.

"I don't know."Jisung shrugged.

"Hey, take your time. It's okay,"Hongjoong expressed with a smile.

"But, sometimes I thought my reason was ridiculous," Jisung complained.

"What do you mean?" Cheery asked while placing the plate on the table.

"I break up with Hyunjin just because his ex was a girl. I got unpleasant experience with some people ex-girlfriend, but I blamed him too just because his ex was also a girl.What a lame reason.."

His friends looked at each other.Hongjoong hug Jisung who was sitting next to him. His chin rested on his best friend's shoulder.

"That's not a lame reason. You make that reason because of your experience. You face it by yourself, not us, not Hyunjin or anyone else. So, we can't judge you."

Yuna nodded in agreement.

"Don't feel guilty about your decision," Hongjoong continued.

"We're always by your side, Jisung. Remember that,"Cherry said.

"Thanks, guys.."




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hisHyunie Take your time. Don't worry. I'll wait forever,of that is what it'll take for you to forgive me. I love you, baby 💕

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Chan and Changbin accompany Hyunjin throughout the week. Jisung has also not been seen in college for a week. Jisung's absence affects Hyunjin making Chan and Changbin reluctant to leave their best friend alone. News of Hyunjin and Jisung's relationship spread. Some are pleased that the two men are back single, and some are sad. Sad because Hyunjin and Jisung are considered the outstanding couple ever!

Sungie 💕

Hyunjin's eyes widened when he looked at the text from Jisung. He glanced at the faces of Chan and Changbin who were sitting in front of him but were busy with a discussion about their new song.


I'm sorry
I'm really really sorry

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