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"I'll help your friend, but at the same time I want to introduce you to the public as my son."

Once again, Jisung was surprised by Mr Song's words. Song Ha Rin sat next to Jisung. She didn't want her brother to misunderstand with their appa's statement.

"Listen, Jisung. Appa and eomma just wish to declare you as their heir. But we won't force you to stay with us. We realize you prefer Mr.and Mrs. Han to be your parents, but still, you're our family,”said Song Han Ri while holding Jisung's hand.

"We know, we shouldn't hand you over to someone else, but your dad..."Mrs Song's conversations stopped when she looked at her husband's face.

Mr. Song let out a heavy sigh.

"That time, I was always drunk. I hit your eomma. I locked up your sister.."

Jisung and Hyunjin's eyes widened, listening to Mr. Song's words. Song Ha Rin pursed her lips, listening to her old story. She is the one who consistently sees her eomma get beaten. Most every day. She was also locked in the room when she tried to defend her eomma.

"When you eomma pregnant with you, I almost kill both of you,"admitted Mr. Song.

"You..what?"Jisung looked at his appa with unblinking eyes.

"That's the truth, Jisung.That's why I handed you over to Mrs. Han,"added Mrs. Song.

"That's for your safety, Jisung.Your sister, I asked her to stay near the dorm. I did all this to avoid your appa beating you all. I'm sorry, Jisung,"said Mrs. Song again.


Hyunjin hugged Jisung tightly, who was lying next to him. As soon as he returned from Song's mansion, the younger kept quiet a lot. Maybe trying to process what has happened.

"I want to hate them, but I can't.."muttered Jisung.

"Of course you can't. You're too kind to hate someone, baby."

"They are still my parents.Without them, I would never meet my dad and eomma," Jisung added.

"But, after hearing their explanation, I'm glad Mrs. Song gave you to so
someone else. Imagine if you're still with them? You'll get hurt."

"Or maybe I already died."

Hyunjin hugged the younger more tightly.  Sometimes he kisses Jisung's forehead. Jisung's life path is not as easy as expected. Although the younger looks happy with his way of life, he has been through a lot.

"I don't know what it feels like, but I want to be here for you. I want to understand what you're going through. I'm on your side. You're not alone, remember that,"Hyunjin whispered  close to Jisung's ear.

The younger smiled before kissing Hyunjin's cheek.

"Thank you, Hyunie. I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

After saying those words, Jisung's phone beeped to show an incoming text. He reached for the phone and hovered his finger on the screen.

JYP'S Bestie

Yuna at hospital!

I'm coming
Please stay with her

Hyunie, can you accompany me?"

Hyunjin, who also read texts from Cherry, kept nodding. He reached for his hoodie and handed it to Jisung before taking another hoodie for himself.

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