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Mrs Han smiled, looking at her husband laughing with their son, Jisung. She set down her book and approached her small family. Last night, she and her husband met their son. They also rent for a week in a guesthouse. Actually, Mrs. Hwang invited them to stay at her house, but Mr. Han did not want to.

“What's so funny?” Mrs. Han asked and sat down next to Jisung.

"Dad told me about you and him almost burned the kitchen in the first week after married,"Jisung spoke then laughed.

Mrs. Han glared at her husband, who still chuckled.

"That's your dad's fault. I asked him to turn off the stove after frying the chicken, but he forgot,” Mrs. Han protested.

“That's because you distracted me with your cheesecake.You forced me to try it.”

“So you want to blame my tasty cheesecake?”

Then, they were bickering just like others husband and wife. Jisung smile with the view. Even though his parents are not like others, but they love towards him still same as always.

"Son, your phone.." told Mr. Han.

Jisung reached for his phone, which was in silent mode. Mr. Han noticed because of the sound of vibration.

"Hello Ara!"

"Hello, Jisung. Did I disturb you?"


"So, can we talk for a while?"

"Of course." Jisung signaled his parents to enter the room. His parents just nodded.

"Erm. You're Soobin friends, am I right? Soobin from JYP College."

"Yup! But why are you asking?"Jisung sat on the edge of the bed while reaching for his laptop. The right-hand turns on the laptop, and the left grip hold his phone.

"My parents introduce me to him.." Ara explained in a low tone.


"It's not!"Said Ara.

Jisung laughed at hearing the girl's voice.

"Why not?"Jisung asked. 

This afternoon, Soobin mentioned about a family dinner with his parents friends.But he didn't think his parent's friends were Ara's family.

"He's cocky! Rude! I don't like him!"

"Uh huh.."

"I knew you struggle hard not to laugh, Jisung.."said Ara.

Finally, Jisung laughed.He can't wait to tell this to Soobin.

"I can't stay to tell him about this. You know what, you're the first one to say you didn't like Soobin. He is quite popular at JYP College, though. Everyone wishes to date or hooks up with him."

"Everyone? Please.."Ara replied with a disgusting tone.

"That's simply hyperbolic, girl."

"I don't care. I still don't like him."

"You sound like your parents wish you to marry him."

Ara keeps silent.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, Ara,"Jisung said after being able to guess that girl's situation.

"It's nothing, Jisung. But that is the reason I call you. I just want to share with someone. And you're not just my friend but Soobin friend too. I'm sure he'll tell you about this."

"But, Ara..Soobinie is actually a nice guy. I never saw him dating with someone. He looks like a panicked gay, but he's straight. Maybe this is the first time he acquainted with a girl his never knew makes him acted like that.”

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