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Jisung rolled his eyes when he saw Soobin and Ara holding hands while smiling. Since the last two weeks, Soobin and Ara are officially dating. At the beginning of their acquaintance they often fight, but after that from hate to love. Cliché? Who cares?

"Hi, Jisung.."Ara greeted Jisung who was already enjoying his cheesecake.


"Cheesecake in the morning? Typical Jisung.."Soobin said and sat next to Ara but in front of Jisung.

"I like cheesecake more than I like you," replied Jisung.

"Of course, but you like Hyunjin more than cheesecake."

"Nope! I love cheesecake more than him."

"Liar! Darling, what do you want? I'll make an order."

"Darling..uh huh.."Jisung teased.There is Ara's with a shy smile.

"Just chocolate milkshake. I'm craving for that drink from yesterday," Ara told Soobin who was already standing.

"And butter croissant,"added Ara.

"Okay..and you?" Soobin looked at Jisung.

"Strawberry cheesecake."

"But you got classic cheesecake." Soobin pointed to the classic cheesecake in front of Jisung.

"But still.."

"No! I'll buy you something else," declared Soobin and headed to the counter.

"Why I agreed him with you?"Jisung said and was answered by Ara's laughter.

They both started talking about Soobin before Ara asked about Hyunjin.

"How about you and Hyunjin?"

"I plan to ask him to be my boyfriend," Jisung told without hiding.

"He's a great guy," interrupted Soobin and placed water and food in front of Jisung and Ara. For Jisung, Soobin buys a chicken sandwich.

"I know. And you must be a great guy to Ara, too. Don't make me regret persuading her to be with you."Jisung warned his best friend.

"Don't worry, okay? I love her.Oh yes, before I forget, Yuna got an offer from TXT Entertainment to be a trainee and she accepted it!"

Jisung smiled proudly at the news. Yuna has talent in singing and dancing.

"I'm so proud of her. I hope she'll be an idol," said Jisung and reached for the chicken sandwich.

"You should try, Sungie. I mean, to be an idol," suggested Soobin.

His best friend kept quiet while enjoying his sandwich.

"I can't."

Soobin and Ara looked at each other.

"But why?" asked Ara.

"I prefer to be a composer and lyricist. I love to sing, to rap, but I can't be an idol. I don't know in the future, but currently, I'm not interested."


Han's Family 🌈

Song's family just makes VC with us
Explained everything about that matters

Are you okay about that?
How about you dad?

Your surname Han
So you're ours
But I respect their decision
And everyone needs to know about you,son

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