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Jisung leaned his shoulder on Soobin.  For most half an hour, they were like that. Hongjoong went out to buy groceries with Yuna. Cherry is on her way to Soobin's house. In fact, Jisung drove to Soobin's house as soon as he came out of Hyunjin's house. But he called Felix to reveal everything. He still advises Felix not to harm Hyunjin.

When Hongjoong, Yuna and Cherry find out Jisung is at Soobin's house, they planned to run there. At the midnight, Hongjoong appeared at Soobin's house and was followed by Yuna in the dawn. But Jisung did not directly open his lip about the reason for his appearance. Those familiar with Jisung's attitude just kept the man's rhythm.

"Soobinie .."

"Hurm.."Soobin who was reading, placed his book aside. Although he is always 'cold' with his best friends, but it's more of a joke. He cares about his best friends.

"I broke up with Hyunjin."

"I see."

That's the only feedback given. This is because Soobin notices there will be a follow -up story after this.

"His ex was a girl."


"And I don't like it," Jisung complained.

Soobin is the second person to know about this. Felix was clearly the first to know.

"What is the reason?"

The smaller was restrained for a moment before altering the position of his head on Soobin's shoulder.

"Back then, when I was dating Minho-hyung, his parents were against our relationship. At the same time, they set up to him a girl called Da Eun. Da Eun obviously like Minho-hyung, but Minho-hyung never show slightly glanced at her. Later, she come to me. She mentioned something similar to what Hyunjin ex was said to me. "

“What they told to you?” Soobin became impatient and at the same time he wanted to meet and give some lessons to the girls!

"They said I can't be pregnant. I can't give my boyfriend a heir. "

"Of course you can't be pregnant because you're a man!" Soobin was annoyed.

Jisung hugged Soobin's arm when he could feel his annoyance at the man.

"Every moment I listened that words, I feel I'm worthless."

"But I can sense this is not the main reason."

This time, Jisung lifted his head from the taller's shoulder. Soobin also kept turning his body to face Jisung.

"Actually..my dad..gay.."One by one, words came out of Jisung's mouth.

Soobin was hushed without a sound. He didn't think there was a plot twist in his best friend's story.

"And my eomma, lesbian .."

"What the heck!"

Double plot twist!

"But how do they 'produce' you?"

The word 'Produce' is deliberately emphasized so that it makes Jisung carve the first smile since he showed up. Soobin smiled as well. He was relieved to notice Jisung's smile.

"I'm not they biological son."

Soobin's mouth fell open. How many more plot twists need to be taken from Jisung’s story? Although Jisung looks carefree, but many secrets are hidden in this man.

"My grandparents from eomma side, isn't bothered about eomma sexuality but not from dad side family. They're homophobia. So, dad needs to marry a woman without excuses. Luckily, he meets eomma. They be friends first, before they decided to get married. "

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