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yourBangChan Let me introduce to all of you -- my boyfriend @meSeungminie 😍 Finally he's MINE! I'm so happy 🥺


hisHyunie Finally 😌 It's about time
🔁 INboyfriend Let's celebrate 🎉
🔁 INchangbinBoyfie Tonight at Chan-hyung place 🥳
🔁 yourBangChan Sorry guys. Not tonight 😏
🔁 hisHyunie uh-huh 😌 get ready @meSeungminie
🔁 INboyfriend that's my hyung! 💪🏻
🔁 INchangbinBoyfie make sure everything under control hyung. Don't hurt Seungmin-hyung too much 😎
🔁 meSeungminie GROSS!
🔁 hisHyunie everything will change. From gross to great. Trust me 😏
🔁 INboyfriend damn Hyunjin! 😅
🔁 INchangbinBoyfie but it's true though. From gross to great 😜
🔁 meSeungminie oh my god not you too Jeongin! 🤦

ara143 congrats Chan-oppa and Seungminine 😊
🔁 meSeungminie thanks Ara!
🔁 yourBangChan thank you Ara! I followed some your advice to win his heart and I'm succeeded!
🔁 ara142 glad to hear!

notjustMinho My only hyung not single any more 😢
🔁 yourBangChan Now your turn! What are you waiting for? Just confess..
🔁 hisHyunie Confess to whom? Not Jisung right?
🔁 notjustMinho it's not that easy hyung.
🔁 notjustMinho of course not him @hisHyunie unless you not dating him any more 😏
🔁 hisHyunie in your dream!
🔁 notjustMinho but seriously, if you're that person lover, just give up on being jealous @hisHyunie
🔁 hisHyunie Fine!




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