alternative ending

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Recap. . .

"Well, here goes nothing." Klaus sighs, he reach into his back pocket to take something out but he stopped when Adelaide went into a coughing fit. Klaus retract his hand from his pocket and knitted his eyebrows together. "Addy?"

Adelaide fell to her knees and coughed up blood. Klaus' eyes widened and immediately dropped to his knees. He cupped her face, his face full of concern and panic, "Addy!"

"Call." Adelaide coughed, "Call Hayley." Klaus immediately got out his phone and call Hayley. A few rings later, Hayley answered, "Hello?"

"Something's happening." Klaus speak into the phone. Adelaide was now in his lap as he caress her hair, trying his best to soothe her. "Adelaide's coughing up blood." Hayley shot up from the couch making everyone stare at her in confusion.

"I'm coming." Was all Hayley said before she hanged up the phone. Klaus dropped the phone, his eyes filling up with tears.

"Adelaide, Hayley's coming, it's going to be okay." Klaus soothes, a tear stream down his face. Adelaide's eyes started to get droopy, her breaths are now shallow and raspy, "Adelaide, don't leave me." Was all she heard before she was met with darkness.

. . . . .

Adelaide woke up with a gasp, her hand immediately clutching onto her throat. Hayley stare at her in shock, in disbelief that she's alive.

"Adelaide. .?" Hayley hesitantly called out. Adelaide turns and made eye contact with the female hybrid, "Hayley. ."

"Oh my god." Hayley gasped, she turns to the door for a split second, "Freya, come here!"

Freya, who was waiting outside with the rest of the Mikaelsons, got startled at Hayley's sudden shout. She got up from her seat and quickly rush into the room.

"What?" Freya asks worriedly, "What is i—Oh my god. ." Her eyes fully wide, stare at Adelaide in shock.

"What happened?" Adelaide groggily questioned, she glance down at her clothes, seeing a bit of a blood stain. "What. .?"

"You fainted." Hayley answered, she grab the confused girl's hand, "You were on a date with Klaus, remember?"

Adelaide pause, her mind still a bit foggy but she can remember bits and pieces, "Where's Klaus?"

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