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▬▬▬▬   ♡ ⋆ .༉   ▬▬▬▬

KLAUS GASPED AND RISE UP FROM THE STONE BED, his chest bare, he turn and made eye-contact with his daughter,

"Hope?" Klaus muttered in confusion, Hope's eyes widened and she slowly pull away from her mother. Marcel, Rebekah, Kol and Freya look at him in shock, hell everyone was.

"Dad. . ." Hope gasped, she quickly rush towards him and wrap her arms around him, "Dad!"

"I'm here, love." Klaus sighed in content, his arms wrapped around his littlest wolf, "I'm here."

"Nik." Rebekah spoke, Klaus turn and made eye-contact with his little sister, "Oh my god."

"Bekah. ." Klaus muttered, Rebekah let out sob before running towards her brother,

"I miss you." Rebekah sniffles, Klaus let out a tearful laugh and hugged her, Hope stood back with a smile, watching her aunt and father reunited,

"Here, get dressed." Rebekah said softly, passing him his clothes, Klaus took it and vamp-speed somewhere else to put on his clothes. Adelaide blink in shock and awe, still in disbelief that her TV crush was just there, right in front of her,

"I never thought I would see you again." Kol chuckles when Klaus came back, Klaus gave him a smirk, "You can't get rid of me that easily." Kol roll his eyes before giving him a hug. Klaus look over at Freya who had tears streaming down her face, Freya let out a tearful laugh before hugging him,

"Welcome back." Hayley smiles, she was now fully clothed, thanks to Rebekah. Klaus' eyes widened in shock at the sight of his daughter's mother,

"Hayley?" Klaus cautiously walked up to her and hesitantly place his hand on her shoulder, Hayley nodded, letting out a small laugh,

"I'm sorry." Klaus sighed, pulling her into a hug, shocking everyone in the room. Adelaide smile widely, klayley! She adored them a lot, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, little wolf."

"It's okay." Hayley muttered against his shoulder, "It wasn't your fault, you tried." Klaus pulled back and gave her a smile which Hayley gladly return one,

"How the bloody hell am I alive though?" Klaus asked with furrow eyebrows,

"Thank her." Freya said with a smile, pointing over at Adelaide, Klaus turned and locked eyes with her. Adelaide's breath hitched. His eyes, oh his eyes, they're so blue like the color of the earth, the speck of greens making her more mesmerized, his hair that looks so soft that you just want to run your fingers through it all day. His eyes then flashed golden, everyone knew what had just happened, including Klaus.

"Thank you." Klaus said softly, he continued to stare at her, mesmerized by the beauty that she held, he could stare at her all day,

"You're welcome." Adelaide smiles, Klaus felt his dead heart beat faster, god what was she doing to him. He haven't felt like this since Camille.

     "What's that?" Klaus asked, snapping out of his trace, pointing at the stone bed that wasn't broken yet,

     "Elijah." Adelaide answers, Klaus glance over at her in shock. She walked up and stood beside Klaus making his breath hitch, "Come on, Elijah. Wake your noble ass up." A snort came from Kol while everyone had an amused look on their faces,

     Just then, the stone begin to crack and Elijah's hand broke through, Adelaide smiles excitedly, "There we go."

     "What the?" Elijah muttered, he sat up and saw his family standing in front of him, "Niklaus?" Klaus let out a small gasp,

     "Elijah?" Klaus croak out, his eyes welled up with tears already, he then pulled Elijah into a hug and Elijah hugged him back. Adelaide stood back and let them have their moment,

     "How am I alive?" Elijah asked Klaus, Klaus look over at Adelaide, "She brought us back." Elijah turned to see who he was looking at and saw a beautiful woman in a peach colored dress, her eyes held a welcoming warmth.

     "Thank you." Elijah said sincerely, Adelaide gave him a nod, Hayley stood far from him, staring at him nervously. Adelaide walked up to her, "Go."

     "What?" Hayley muttered, Adelaide gave her a smile, "Go, go talk to him."

"But I want to say something first," Hayley said, Adelaide look at her in confusion, "Thank you, I don't know how to repay you." Adelaide let out a small laugh and place her hand on Hayley's shoulder,

"You don't need to repay, I'm glad I brought you back." Adelaide said making Hayley smile. Hayley let out a nervous sigh before walking up to Elijah. Adelaide started to smile widely when Elijah pulled her into a kiss.

"Hey." Adelaide jumped a little bit but calm down when she saw Klaus standing next to her, "Hey. ."

"I know I said this already but, thank you." Klaus said, "I don't know why you decided to bring me back but thank you, now I can see my daughter grow up and live her life."

"No need to thank me." Adelaide said, "You didn't deserve to die, same with Hayley and Elijah."

"Why?" Klaus questioned softly, "Why did you do it?" Adelaide locked eyes with him for a moment before letting out a sigh,

"Because you deserve it." Adelaide started, "You're an amazing father, friend, and brother. Everything that you've done was to protect your family, I know you think that you're not a good father but you are. You've made mistakes and yes sometimes they're very bad mistakes but you learn from them, that's what make you a better father than your own." Klaus' lips twitched into a small smile, he glanced down before glancing back up to Adelaide,

"You remind me of someone." Klaus said, Adelaide glances over at him and raised an eyebrow,

"Cami?" Adelaide asked, Klaus look at her in shock, "How did you know?"

Adelaide only shrug in response, a small smile on her face making Klaus shake his head as he let out a small laugh,

"Where are you going after this?" Klaus asks, shoving his hands into the pocket of his jeans,

"Why?" Adelaide nodded, "Is someone gonna miss me when I'm gone?" Adelaide smirked,

Klaus let out a laugh, "Maybe." Klaus shrugged, "I want to get to know you more, love." Love. Adelaide's heart fluttered at that,

"Well," Adelaide exhaled, "I guess I'm staying then." Klaus look over at her and they locked eyes,

"I'm glad, love." Klaus smiles, "I'm glad."


double update!!! i was so bored so i thought, why not double update?

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! leave a vote and a comment !


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