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     ADELAIDE HAD A GREAT TIME WITH THE MIKAELSONS, she was like family to them now because of what she did. Plus, everyone could see how Klaus fancies her, it was pretty obvious. He would glance at her ever so often when she isn't looking at him, he got caught many times because Kol kept on wiggling his eyebrows at him with a smirk on his face,

"Hello?" Adelaide answers her phone, she heard some shuffling noises before hearing a response,

"Hello, love." Klaus said into the phone, he was sitting on a chair with a glass of scotch in his other hand. A smile immediately grew on Adelaide's face,

"How may I help you, Nik?" Adelaide said, Klaus took a sip of his scotch and lean back against his chair,

"I was wondering if you'll accompany me to an art show that's happening tonight." Klaus asked, his fingers nervously tapping his glass, Adelaide glance over at the compound seeing Klaus in a chair while he was tapping his glass repeatedly,

"Is the famous Klaus Mikaelson asking me out on a date?" Adelaide teases him, as she takes a seat on her bed. A genuine laugh left Klaus' lips, "I guess so."

"Then, I'll be delighted to be your date to the art show." Adelaide smiles, a smile of relief grew on Klaus' face, "I'll pick you up at seven?"

"Okay, bye." Adelaide said, dragging the 'e', Klaus smiles at her silliness, "Bye, lovely." And with that Klaus ended the call,

Adelaide immediately got up from her bed and went to look for a dress, she spent a good ten minutes finding a dress but she still couldn't make up her mind. A knock on her apartment door stopped her, she furrow her eyebrows together in confusion, she glance over at the clock seeing it's only 6:10 pm. He's early... she thought.

Adelaide walked up to her door and opened it, seeing a red-headed girl with a mischievous grin on her face,

"Hello, darling." The red-headed said, Adelaide couldn't recognize her at first but then she realized who it was, "Aurora."

"So, you do know who I am." Aurora smiles, "Night, night." Adelaide furrow her eyebrows together in confusion and was about to open her mouth to speak but Aurora put a rag that was soaked with chloroform on her nose making her drift into darkness.

✩  ➴ ︎ ˚ .  ✦

     ADELAIDE LET OUT A GROAN AND BLINKED, trying to adjust her eyes, the sunset light beamed on her face making her eyes lighter, she glanced down to see her chained to a chair. She realized that she's in a church, specifically St. Ann's Church. She squirmed in her seat, trying to get out. She tried chanting a spell underneath her breath but it didn't work which means that the chains that she has on is the chains that stop witches from doing magic.

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