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       EVER SINCE ADELAIDE AND KLAUS' PICNIC DATE, she started distancing herself from him. She couldn't handle the guilt, the pain. She knew if he finds out, he'll completely broken and the worse part is, there was never a way.

        Klaus has no idea what happened between them. Was it because he told her that he wanted to marry her? He felt like he overwhelmed her with that but little did he know, it was far from that. In fact, Adelaide couldn't be happier to be married to the love of her life.

Adelaide couldn't even look at him for a good minute without feeling guilt. Klaus decided to go up to her and ask her what was wrong.

       "Addy?" Klaus call out in the quiet room. Adelaide is currently in their shared bedroom, writing some letters. When Adelaide heard Klaus' voice, she quickly hide the letters and act normal,

       "Hi." Adelaide says softly, Klaus gave her a smile and sat down beside her. "You've been acting weird these past few days, what's wrong, love?" Adelaide bit down on her bottom lip and gave him a fake smile, "I'm fine, nothing's wrong."

      "Now, you and me both know that's a lie." Klaus says with a frown. Adelaide shook her head, not wanting to fess up, "I'm fine Nik. Okay? I'm completely fine."

      "Angel, it's me." Klaus starts, "you can tell me anything." Adelaide let out a sigh, "I don't want you to know." Klaus furrow his eyebrows together feeling a bit hurt. Adelaide shared everything with him even if it was something not that important.

"Why?" Klaus asks softly, hurt evident in his eyes. Adelaide's heart dropped, she didn't want to hurt him but she was going to hurt him even more if she told him the truth. "Because if I tell you, you're gonna hate me."

"How can I hate you?" Klaus mutters, "You're the love of my life, my light in this dark world. You're the one who keeps me sane and in check. I would lose myself if I lost you." He grabbed her hand and gave her a soft look. Adelaide felt tears prick at her eyes,

"That's the thing Nik," Adelaide starts, her voice breaking, "You're gonna lose me." Klaus tilt his head and furrow his eyebrows together, confused. "I'm dying and there isn't a way to save me. There was never a way." Klaus' eyes widened in shock and hurt, he slowly let go of her hand, "What?"

"I'm running out of time Nik." Adelaide croak out, tears streaming down her face. Klaus started tearing up and he got up from the bed, "I need a moment." He turn and quickly left the room, the sound of sobs entered his ear but he could hear his heart breaking over them. Everyone in the mansion was confused and alarmed when they heard Adelaide crying. Klaus stroll into the living room with red brimmed eyes, everyone look at him in concern,

"What happened?" Hayley asked, the sound of Adelaide's crying started to cease, "She lied."

"Lied about what?" Kol chimes in, his eyebrows furrow together. Klaus look over at him, a lone tear streaming down his face, "She lied about saying that there was a way to keep her alive." Everyone's jaw dropped except for Freya. She knew about it because Adelaide told her previously,

      "You mean, there's not a way to keep her alive?" Rebekah asks, her eyes filled with unshed tears. Klaus wipe the tears under his eyes and let out a soft scoff, "That's what I said, Rebekah."

      "So, now you know." Freya spoke up, everyone turn to her, "What do you mean, now we know?" Freya let out a sigh and intertwined her fingers together, placing it onto her lap, "I knew. She told me but she made me promise not to tell you."

      "What?" Klaus mutters, Elijah just stare at Freya in astonishment, he didn't think that she would keep a secret like that from them. "You could've of broken her promise and tell us!"

      Freya stayed quiet and stare down at her lap, Keelin grabbed her hand and rubbed her thumb over her knuckles.

"Look, I don't know Adelaide that much because of work and taking care of Nik, but I know she's a good person." Keelin starts, "But she knew what was gonna happen if she brought you three back," Pointing at Hayley, Elijah and Klaus, "At least she's dying for a good cause."

      "I'm going on a walk." Klaus scoffs, grabbing his jacket and walking out the house, the door slamming behind him. Everyone look at each other and let out a sigh,


this is one of the worst chapters i've ever written. god help me 😔 anyways, I know you guys are mad at me and hate me right now but i'm sorry

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