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       IT HAS BEEN HOURS SINCE KLAUS SAID HE WAS GONNA GO FOR A WALK. Adelaide is currently pacing back and forth in their bedroom, wondering where he is and if he was okay. The door opened causing Adelaide to stop in her tracks and turn around.

       "Where have you been?" Adelaide demanded, Klaus gave her a small smirk, "Out." His words were a bit slurred which means he was drinking, "Are you drunk?"

"I don't know mum, am I?" Klaus sarcastically says. Adelaide's face twist in disgust, "Ew. Do not call me mum." She let out a sigh and grabbed his face with her hands. She look at his eyes and noticed that they're hazy. His breath fanned on her face, the smell of alcohol enters her nose.

"Why the hell would you go out and get drunk? I was worried." Adelaide says, an angry look on her face. It seems like the words made Klaus sober up, he took a step back from her, her hands falling to her side. "You were worried?"

"Yes." Adelaide says, "I was worried." Klaus let out a scoff and gave her a fake smile, "You don't need to worry about me love, it's not like I'm dying." Adelaide looks taken back and roll her eyes. "I'm sorry for caring about you."

"Well, I'm sorry that I chose to get to know you in the first place." Klaus said harshly. Adelaide stumbled back a little bit, hurt by his words. Klaus seem to realize what he had just said and took a step forward only for Adelaide to take a step back, "I-I didn't mean that."

"Sure." Adelaide mutters sarcastically under her breath. She stare down at her feet feeling tears prick at her eyes, "You did mean that." Klaus look at her in confusion, she glance up from her feet, her watering eyes met his blue eyes, "Drunk words are sober thoughts so you did mean it."

"Adelaide." Klaus sighs, closing his eyes for a brief moment, "I didn't mean it. I'm just hurt and in pain because I found out that there isn't a way to keep you alive." Tears welled up in his eyes as his voice begins to break, "All of those times that I've been trying to find a way to keep you alive, turns out there wasn't a way and I feel broken, angel. The moment that you told me that there wasn't a way, I could feel my heart breaking into pieces." Adelaide let out a shuddering breath. She could feel her heart breaking into pieces right now. Klaus Mikaelson once again, feels utterly and completely broken.

"Oh, Nik." Adelaide sniffles, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pull him into a hug. Klaus wrapped his arms around her waist as broken sobs left his lips. Adelaide felt more tears welling up in her eyes, she gripped onto him tighter and breathe in his scent. Klaus didn't want to let go because he's afraid that if he lets go, she'll disappear and she'll be gone, forever.

"I'm scared, love." Klaus croak out. Adelaide pull back from the hug and cupped his face, "You are going to get through this." Klaus stare at her with red-brimmed eyes, his nose a little red. Adelaide wiped the tears away and gave him a soft smile, "You know why you're gonna get through this?" Klaus slowly shook his head, "Because you're strong and you have suffer a lot through your time on this Earth and because of that, you learned how to cope with it, the pain, the hurt, the guilt, and most importantly the heart-break."

"But I don't know how to deal with the pain of your death." Klaus whispers. Adelaide caress his cheek making him relax, "You'll know when the time comes."

"I wish this was just a dream." Klaus mumbles softly, Adelaide gave him a small smile, "I do too."


hope you enjoyed today's chapter! i know you guys want a happy ending but—we'll see. i already have everything planned out so...

anyways leave a vote and/or comment, i love reading your guys' comments.


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