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     AFTER THE NON-STOP BICKERING BETWEEN KLAUS AND ADELAIDE, they've finally arrived at the Salvatore Boarding School. The minute that Klaus parked the car, Hope immediately got out,

     "Yes!" Hope shouted with glee, "Freedom!" She even fell to her knees and hugged the ground. Adelaide let out a snort of amusement while Klaus just laughed at Hope's actions,

     "Ha!" Adelaide pointed at Klaus, a smirk on her lips, "She was tired of your constant bickering that she wanted to get out of the car." Hope got up from the ground and raise an eyebrow at the two,

     "Correction," Hope held up her finger, "I was tired of you two. You couldn't even go a minute without snapping at each other." Adelaide's mouth dropped in shock and disbelief. Klaus started laughing hysterically at Adelaide's face,

     "Shut up." Adelaide roll her eyes and smack his chest but the amount of strength that she held, it made Klaus choke on air, now it was Adelaide's turn to laugh hysterically. Klaus coughed and took in deep breaths before giving Adelaide a death glare,

     "Sorry not sorry." Adelaide gave him a smirk and blew him a kiss before linking her arm with Hope's and the two walked into the school with a grumpy Klaus trailing behind them,

✩ ➴ ︎ ˚ . ✦

HOPE LEAD THEM TOWARDS CAROLINE FORBES' OFFICE, she's the headmistress of the Salvatore Boarding School, ( we do not mention m*tt d*vis in this story, he is irrelevant ) Hope knocked on Caroline's door, they heard a soft voice saying, "Come in."

The trio walked in and Caroline lift her head up from the pile of paperwork that she was working on, her mouth dropped at the sight of Klaus Mikaelson, she didn't expect seeing him again, "Klaus."

"Hello, love." Klaus gave Caroline a soft smile, Caroline blink a couple of times before snapping out of her trance, "Who are you?"

"Adelaide, Adelaide Blake." Adelaide smiles, introducing herself, Caroline gave her a smile in return, "So. . . who are you to Hope?" Adelaide opened her mouth to answer but she was cut off by Hope,

"She's my step-mom." Hope smiles proudly, Caroline, Adelaide and Klaus stare at her in shock, Adelaide look over at Klaus who looked back at her, they stare at each other for a few seconds before converting their eyes over to Hope,

"So," Caroline started, "That means you two are together?" Caroline pointed at Adelaide and Klaus who just stood there, still in shock, "Mhm." Adelaide nodded, she wasn't able to form words after what have just occurred.

"How long have you guys been married?" Caroline asked, a wide smile on her face, Klaus furrow his eyebrows together because he thought that Caroline still liked him but he saw the ring on her finger which means that she's married, specifically to Stefan Salvatore. ( stefan is still alive in this story, adelaide brought him back without the mikaelsons not knowing so..😌 ) "Just a couple of weeks ago." Klaus answered, a squeal left Caroline, "So, you guys are newly weds?!"

"Apparently." Adelaide mutters under her breath, Klaus pinched her elbow making her jump. He gave her a look which she gave him a sarcastic smile in return,

"Alright, onto business. You're officially back to school right?" Caroline asked Hope, Hope nodded, "Okay then, since you just came back, you'll start your classes tomorrow. Also, I hope you don't mind, but do you want to show your dad and step-mom around?"

"Sure." Hope shrugged, "Come on, dad, mom." Adelaide raise an eyebrow at the girl but then she was dragged out of the room by Hope.

✩ ➴ ︎ ˚ . ✦

"STEP-MOM?" Adelaide said, her arms crossed over her chest as she walks side by side with Hope. Klaus was on Hope's right while Adelaide was on the left, "Really?"

"What?" Hope shrugged, "Anyone could see that the two of you have feelings for each other, plus it's only a matter of time before you two get together, get married and live happily ever after." Adelaide let out a laugh making Klaus and Hope look at her, "Oh. You weren't joking. . ."

"No," Hope shook her head with a laugh, "I wasn't joking."

"So, you two better confess your feelings right now or I will call mom and get her to force you two." Hope said, pointing her finger at the duo, "Don't think I won't."

Adelaide and Klaus made eye-contact before sighing, "Alright, fine."

✩ ➴ ︎ ˚ . ✦

HOPE LEFT THE TWO ALONE AND WENT WITH HER FRIENDS, Adelaide and Klaus walked side by side, you could feel the awkward tension before them, "So. . ."

"So. . ." Klaus mocked making Adelaide roll her eyes at him. "Fine. If you're not gonna say it, then I will. I like you, a lot. Like a lot." Adelaide has a lot of confidence so she knew Klaus wouldn't admit it first but he would if she didn't say it first. ( that made no sense eye— )

"I like me too." Klaus smirked, Adelaide scoffed and hit his shoulder, "Cocky asshole."

"But if we're admitting our feelings here then, I like you too, love." Klaus smiles, "Like a lot." Adelaide let out a laugh and shook her head,

"Now, if I don't do this. Then I know that I'll regret it." Klaus said, stopping in his tracks and turned his body towards Adelaide. Adelaide stopped in her tracks too and knitted her eyebrows together,

"What—" She was cut off by a pair of lips. Holy Jesus fucking Christ, Klaus Mikaelson is kissing me, she thought, she immediately kiss him back and wrapped her arms around his neck while his arms went around her waist,

"You drive me insane, angel." Klaus whispered against her lips making her smile, "So do you."


i hope you enjoyed this chapter! 💓 klaus and adelaide confessed their feelings to each other and better yet, they kissed sksnsjrnfj

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