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AFTER VISITING HOPE, THE MIKAELSONS WENT HOME BUT ADELAIDE WANTED TO STAY WITH HOPE FOR A BIT. Adelaide is currently in Hope's room as they gossip with each other, Josie and Lizzie join them for awhile before they went to go to their mom. ( p.s jensen ackles plays alaric saltzman 😌 ) Adelaide started to feel warm but the room was cold considering Hope has an extremely comfortable sweater on her,

"I feel warm." Adelaide mumbles, Hope furrow her eyebrows together and place the back of her hand on Adelaide's forehead, "You're burning up!"

"Really?" Adelaide bit on her bottom lip, she open her mouth again to speak but her eyes roll to the back of her head and she fell on the ground, Hope's eyes widened in shock and panic before she yelled out, "Someone help!"

✩  ➴ ︎ ˚ .  ✦

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Alaric asked Hope when he heard her yelling for help. Adelaide is on Hope's bed, unconscious. Hope bit down on her bottom lip nervously, "She said she was feeling warm but it was cold and out of nowhere, she fainted." Suddenly the door was slammed open. Klaus.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Klaus said, an angry glint in his eyes. Hope got up from the chair she was sitting beside Adelaide and walked up to her dad, "She fainted and I don't know why."

"She's running out of time." Klaus' shoulders dropped as he take a seat beside Adelaide's bed, "She's what?"

Klaus turn and face Hope. Alaric was taken back by the sight of Klaus with tears in his eyes, actual tears. Never in a million years would Alaric think he would see Klaus cry. Hope's bottom lip quivered as she hug herself, "She's dying?"

"She's dying." Klaus repeated in a whisper-like voice, "I can't lose her. I can't." Alaric started to feel pity for him. He knew what it was like to lose a loved one, "I could try and find a way to keep her alive. It's the least I can do." Klaus look at him shocked but slowly nodded, "Thank you."

Alaric gave him a smile before excusing himself. Just then the rest of the Mikaelson family came bursting through the open door, "What happened?!"

"She fainted." Klaus whispered but it was loud enough for everyone to hear, "This is the second time she's fainted." Everyone made theirselves comfortable before glancing over at Adelaide. She looked like a teenager that goes to school here because of the clothes she was wearing. She has a sweater on and some black glasses which they never seen her with before. Klaus caresses her cheek and bit down on his bottom lip,

      "She's dying." Klaus announces, his voice breaking. Everyone look towards him and frowned, "And we haven't found a way to keep her alive yet."

     "Have hope, dad." Hope sighed and place her hand on his shoulder. "I'm gonna go help Alaric find a way." Freya, Kol and Davina turn to her, "We'll go help too."

     "What if there isn't a way to keep her alive?" Klaus whispered as he played with Adelaide's hair, "What am I going to do? For the past thousand years, I lived through torment, heartbreak, pain and fights. I've loved, I've lost and I've been broken but this, I can't survive this. She's the first person in a long time that I've felt different for. I've bled through towns and cities to ensure my survival; I've slaughtered innocence to protect not only myself but you all too! So how was I supposed to know that a part of her would be within me, that part of her being lost? This isn't fair." A tear fell down Klaus' face as he finished his last sentence. His speech got everyone crying, they knew that if he loses Adelaide, he would not only lose her but lose himself.

"Mmm." Adelaide mumbled in her sleep, her eyes furrowed together, her fingers twitching as she regain consciousness. Klaus sat up straighter and wipe away any stray tears, "Addy? Love?"

"Nik?" Adelaide muttered as she open her eyes, "What happened?"

      "You fainted, again." Klaus answers, "You're okay now." Adelaide lean back against the pillow and let out a sigh, "I'm running out of time." She was met with silence but she knew that they knew.

"You're gonna live." Rebekah chimes in, "You're not gonna die because we can't lose you. You're apart of this family now and we're gonna do everything in our power to find a way to keep you alive." Everyone nodded in agreement while Adelaide send them a small smile,

"Well, I hope you do find a way soon," Adelaide started, a sad look appear on her face, "Or I'll die."


hellooo! i hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter also please don't ghost-read, i work really hard on this story and it's not hard to vote or comment so please don't ghost-read. thank you to the people who don't ghost-read, it means a lot to me that you're enjoying this story just as much as i am. anyways that's it, see you in the next chapter !! also thank you to nikhoelaus for helping me with the speech that klaus said

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