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       ADELAIDE TOLD THE WINCHESTERS AND BOBBY SOME WAYS TO GET RID OF LUCIFER, before she left, she gave them her number and told them that they could call her anytime they want if they need help or anything. They were grateful and gave her goodbye hugs.

       Adelaide used a spell to magically teleport herself back to the Mikaelson mansion. She walked right in and saw Klaus in a white t-shirt and some sweatpants. He was sitting comfortably on the couch while watching TV. Adelaide could faintly hear Edward Cullen's voice which made her snort in amusement,

       "Are you watching Twilight?" Adelaide asks in an amused tone. Klaus jumped a bit, his eyes widened when he realized that Adelaide was there, standing a few feet away from him. Klaus got up from the couch and pulled Adelaide into a hug, squeezing the life out of her,

       "Don't scare me like that." Klaus mumbles against her shoulder. Adelaide ran her fingers through his hair and place a kiss on his cheek.

Adelaide pull back from the hug, "What do you want to do today?"

"Anything, as long as I am with you." Klaus responded. A blush formed on Adelaide's cheeks making Klaus chuckle.

      "Okay, we'll go on a picnic." Adelaide says with a smile, Klaus smile back at her and nodded.

✩ ➴ ︎ ˚ . ✦

ADELAIDE MADE SOME SANDWICHES AND PUT A BLOOD BAG IN THE PICNIC BASKET, Hayley, Rebekah and Freya helped her with the food and also help her with her outfit. She was wearing a simple white dress that goes just a little above her knees with some combat boots.

"You ready?" Adelaide asks Klaus when she walked into the living room. Klaus glance away from the TV and a smile grew on his face, "You look beautiful."

"And you look handsome." Adelaide smiled back at him. He was wearing some jeans and a simple black henley shirt but he still looks handsome. "Come on, let's go."

Klaus got up from the couch and interlocked his hands with hers. They walked out the house and Adelaide started leading him to their picnic destination. Klaus felt normal, he took a quick glance at Adelaide and admire her beauty. Every-time when she's near, his heart would skip a beat and his stomach would swarm with butterflies. Adelaide made him feel human, at peace. Something that he hasn't felt in a long time. She's the light of his dark world and one of the reasons why he wants to continue living.

"Hey." Adelaide spoke snapping Klaus out of his trance, "You okay?"

"I'm okay, love." Klaus slightly smiles, his eyes brighten in the sun, "I love you."

"I love you too baby." Adelaide smiles. Her heart would always beat faster when she hears him say that phrase, just three little words. I love you. She loves hearing that from him. She glance over at Klaus who was staring around the woods. The breeze swaying making his curls move. The sun beamed down on them, his eyes a lighter blue.

"We're here." Adelaide says, Klaus stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened a bit in recognition. The place that Adelaide picked was the place where they first said "I love you" to each other.

       "You're such a romantic." Klaus softly laughs, Adelaide gave him a playful wink, "Don't act like you're not one too."

       "I'm not gonna deny that because I am one." Klaus smiles. Adelaide playfully roll her eyes with a smile before placing a blanket on the grass and open the basket.

       "In 10 years, what do you want your future to look like?" Adelaide asks as she take a bit into her sandwich, glancing down at him. She was sitting on the blanket while Klaus was laying his head on her lap. He glance up and made eye-contact with her, "I want a peaceful life, no more enemies, no more wars, no more deaths." Adelaide swallowed nervously at the last part,

       "Maybe even get married." Klaus says softly, Adelaide raise an eyebrow, surprised. "Married to you." Adelaide smiles softly and trace his cheekbone, "I love you." Klaus grab her hand and place a kiss on it, "And I love you."


i hope you enjoyed today's chapter, i'm sorry for the late update. i was too occupied with outer banks fanfics 😭 jj do hit different tho love you guys 💓

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