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     IT WAS LATE, but Adelaide didn't care

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IT WAS LATE, but Adelaide didn't care. She would stay up all night just binging shows especially The Originals. She was watching the show for the millionth time but she didn't mind, she loves the show. She is currently watching the last episode of the show, season 5 episode 13.

"I don't deserve the love you've given me, brother." Klaus said, his eyes brimming with tears. Adelaide sniffled, grabbing a tissue from her tissue box that laid beside her, "But I am so grateful."

"It's been a glorious ride, Niklaus." Elijah smile tearfully, Adelaide sobbed and shook her head not wanting to see them die, again. "And my greatest honor."

"No. . ." Adelaide cried, watching as both Elijah and Klaus lift up their hands which held a white oak stake that was broken in half, "Don't!"

The stakes were then pushed into their chests causing Adelaide to sob hysterically. Her eyes turn to glare at Klaus, tears brimming,

"Fuck you!" She pointed her finger at him angrily, she turn and looked over at Elijah, "Fuck you!"

"And fuck you Julie Plague!" She shouted angrily at her TV. Then the electricity went out, "If that's your response to my fuck you, Julie Plague then you can kiss my ass!"

She was met with silence, "Great, now I'm talking to myself." With a sigh, she got up from her bed and went into her bathroom. She flipped her light switch but then she remembered that it didn't work, a groan left her lips, "Awesome, I have to wait until tomorrow for the electricity to come back." This happened frequently, her electricity would stop out of the blue and the next morning, it would work again.

She grabbed her tear-stained tissues and threw them into her trash can. She lift up her blanket and lay down, cuddling into her pillow. She closed her eyes and went to sleep, or so she thought.

Adelaide started to move a bit when she got the feeling that something was wrong, something unfamiliar to her. Her eyes slowly started to open and that's when she noticed, she wasn't in her room anymore. She shot up with a gasp and frantically glance. A forest, that's where she was. Her ears took in the sound of birds chirping,

"What the. . ." Adelaide muttered. Her pupils were shaking, as she continued to stare around in a panic manner. She glanced down and noticed that she wasn't in her pajamas, she was wearing a beautiful peach-colored dress that passed her knees.

"Hello, Adelaide." She snapped her head and right there was Esther Mikaelson. She blinked rapidly to make sure she wasn't hallucinating,

"You're not hallucinating, darling." Esther let out a soft laugh, "I'm very real and alive."

"Alive? Last time I checked you were dead." Adelaide deadpanned, she spare a nervous glance at the older woman.

"Well. . . Yes." Esther trailed off before continuing, "I am dead but my spirit is alive."

"I can never understand witches' shit." Adelaide shook her head, she glance around once more before asking, "Where am I?"

"You're in my afterlife, I guess you can say." Esther answered with a small smile, hoping it would ease the younger woman but it did not help at all as Adelaide gave her a weird look.

Esther sighed, "I mean you did see where I went when me and Dahlia died." Adelaide nodded in response,

"So. . . we're in your afterlife or specifically peace." Adelaide states as her mind try to take in all of this information, Esther nodded. Adelaide froze, "Am I dead?!"

Esther laughed at Adelaide's panicked face, "No you're not, darling. You're still alive, I brought you here for a purpose."

"What purpose?" Adelaide questioned, hesitation in her voice,

"You were supposed to be in our world, the supernatural world." Adelaide blinked in shock, her form in a frozen state, "But somehow, you were born in your world where all supernaturals are non-existed and they're only in TV shows."

"Um. . ." Was all Adelaide said, she was speechless. She couldn't form words,

"And, you were given the ability to bring back anyone you desire." Esther explained, "Doesn't matter if they're human or supernatural."

"Wow." Adelaide breathes out, a shocked laugh leaving her lips, "That's so cool!" A wide smile displayed on her face.

"So, what happens now?" Adelaide asked the Original Witch. Esther paused,

"I'm gonna send you to The Originals world." Esther said which caused Adelaide's jaw to drop, "But it's not during the show, if you know what I mean. You're gonna be there after everything that happened."

"After everything that happened?" Adelaide questioned in a small voice, as she took in the words, her eyes widened in shock, "Which means everyone that died in the show is dead, meaning Klaus, Hayley, Elijah, Cami and Jackson are dead." ( i know more people died in the show but i'm too lazy to write out their names 😭 )

Esther nodded, confirming what she was saying was correct, "But like I said, you have the ability to bring anyone back."

Esther then gave her a look, a look that made Adelaide nervous. "But there is something that I must tell you." Esther breathes out, Adelaide gave her a hesitant glance. Her gut feeling was telling her that it wasn't something good. Esther walked up to her and whispered in her ear,

"Oh." Adelaide mumbles after a few minutes of silence, Wow. Was all she could think about. A sad smile was displayed on Esther's face.

"I'm fine with that." Adelaide slowly nodded, Was she really fine with it?

"Are you ready?" Esther asked causing Adelaide to nod again,

"I'm ready." Esther send her a small smile before grabbing her hand and started to chant a spell in Latin.

"Good luck." Was all Esther said before Adelaide was met with darkness.


i'm excited for this book!! this story isn't going to be long, it's going to be a short one but the chapters that i'm going to write might be long so. . .

extra note: i wrote this book when i was like 14 (idek) so pls ignore how cringe it is ...😭


i do not own any of the characters from the originals nor it's plot, all rights to l.j smith julie plec idk

however, i do own adelaide and her story.


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