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▬▬▬▬   ♡ ⋆ .༉   ▬▬▬▬

AFTER THE MIKAELSONS REUNITED, they decided to have a family dinner. Adelaide didn't want to be a burden so she moved into an apartment across from them and let them be,

"Come on, love." Klaus said into the phone, Adelaide gripped her phone in one hand while her other hand was applying nail polish on her toenails, "Have dinner with us, please." Adelaide finished applying her nail polish and hearing the word 'please' from Klaus made her sit up straighter,

"Are my ears deceiving me or did Klaus Mikaelson just said please?" Adelaide spoke in a shock (not really shocking) tone,

"I'm not gonna say it again." Klaus playfully roll his eyes making Adelaide laugh,

"Okay, I'll come to your family dinner." Adelaide smiles even though Klaus couldn't see it. A smile immediately grew on Klaus' face,

     "Alright," Klaus muttered in a soft tone,  "I'll see you tonight, angel."

     "Bye, lovely." Klaus said, Adelaide sat down on her bed, "Bye Nik." Klaus stare at his phone in shock, she had just called him Nik. The only people who called him that was Kol and Rebekah but hearing Adelaide say it, made his stomach to swarm with butterflies,

     Adelaide smile down at her phone before she converted her eyes to her wrist, showing red colored veins on there making her smile disappear. She stare at it sadly, knowing what's going to happen to her. She pulled down the sleeve of her sweater and lay down on her bed,

     "Life is such a bitch sometimes." She sighed, she lay on her bed for a few minutes, her mind swarm with thousand of thoughts. She got up and went to the kitchen making some popcorn so she could eat while watching one of her favorite movies,

✩ ➴ ︎ ˚ . ✦

"TONY, YOU CAN BE AN IDIOT SOMETIMES." Adelaide slaps her forehead at Tony idiotic self. She's currently watching The Avengers and Tony had just done something stupid making Adelaide roll her eyes at the man,

Her phone made a ding noise indicating that she had just received a text, she glanced down at her phone seeing 'Big Bad Wolf ❤️🐺' on her screen,

"Did you get your present?" The text read, Adelaide furrow her eyebrows together in confusion, present?

"What present?" She texted him. She immediately got a response back, "Go open your door."

She paused the movie and got off from the couch, making her way over to her apartment door. When she opened it, there was a box on her welcome mat with a red bow in the center, she grabbed it off from the ground and place it on her kitchen counter. She opened the box and a gasp left her lips, there in the box was a beautiful dress, it was so simple yet so pretty,

 She opened the box and a gasp left her lips, there in the box was a beautiful dress, it was so simple yet so pretty,

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"I'm assuming that you got the present now." The text read, Adelaide quickly texted him back, "It's beautiful."

"Just like you." Adelaide let out a laugh, "Smooth." She brushed her fingers against the fabric of the dress and continue to stare at it in awe,

She grab the box and started walking towards her room, she glanced at the clock on the wall seeing it's 6:30 pm. She went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. After she finished, she blow dry her hair and curled it. She applied mascara and some lip gloss, then she put on her dress and some heels, obviously black ones.

    "Wow." Adelaide mutters under her breath, staring at herself in the mirror, "I look hot." her eyes then locked onto the sight of the red-colored veins which cause her to frown,

     She muttered a spell to cover the veins and after she did, the veins started to disappear,

✩ ➴ ︎ ˚ . ✦

     THE CLOCK NOW READ, 7:00 pm. Great, I'm on time. After she had finished getting ready, she made her way downstairs to the lobby of her apartment and started walking towards the Mikaelson Compound. As she made her way over there, her heels made a clinking sound against the pavement, Klaus' ears perked up at the sound of heels clinking making him to vamp-speed downstairs,

     He was taken back at how beautiful Adelaide looked, her hair in curls, her lips that has gloss on them shined in the light and how the dress hugged her body perfectly,

    "You look beautiful, love." Klaus breathes making his way over to her. Adelaide blushes and glance down to the floor while tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear,

     "And you look handsome." Adelaide compliments back, he was in black button-up shirt, but he left two buttons open, his hair was in it's natural curls and he wore a simple black jean. Klaus extended his hand towards the blonde, "Shall we?" A smirk adorning his lips,

     "We shall." Adelaide smiles, intertwining her hand with his. He lead them towards the dining room where everyone was seated, they turn around and send Adelaide a soft smile,

     "Adelaide." Elijah spoke, a smile still on his face, he got up from his seat and gave her a brief hug, while placing a friendly kiss on her cheek, "You look beautiful."

     "Thank you, you look nice as well." Adelaide smiles awkwardly, she was bad at giving compliments but that didn't stop her from giving people compliments.

     "Hi." Hope greeted her in a soft tone, Hope gave her hug which Adelaide immediately returned, she cared for Hope a lot, even though she had just met her, she felt a strong need to protect her.

     "Hi, sweetie." Adelaide patted her back, she broke the hug, gave everyone a smile and a raise of her eyebrow, "So are we gonna eat or what?" Which cause everyone to let out a laugh and they started to eat,


i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, sorry for the late update, i had a lot of schoolwork to do so...

but since hayley, klaus and elijah came back, they decided to have a family dinner aka the 'mikaelson' dinner that we see in the show to celebrate their returns, but uh anyways, leave a vote and comment <3


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