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▬▬▬▬   ♡ ⋆ .༉   ▬▬▬▬

KLAUS HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ADELAIDE, she barely gave him glances and every time he would try and start a conversation with her, she would barely say anything. All he would get was dry replies.

       Currently it was night time and everyone was getting ready to go to sleep, Adelaide went to bed early because she said that she was really tired. Klaus later on, joined her and went to sleep.

       Klaus heard a crash making him jolt up, he doesn't see Adelaide beside him anymore which makes me worried, "Addy?!"

       He then heard a whoosh and he was pinned against the wall, a hand around his throat. He let out a surprise gasp and turned to see the person he hates and fears the most. Mikael.

       "Hello boy." Mikael spat, staring into Klaus' soul with menacingly cold eyes. Klaus glared at him and let out a growl, "Mikael."

       Klaus twisted Mikael's arm, the elder man let out a shout of pain. Klaus used his strength and threw him across the room. Mikael got up from the ground and glare at Klaus with such hatred.

       "What do you want?" Klaus spat, "Do you want me to kill you again, I'll happily do it." Mikael let out a harsh laugh and gave him a sinister smirk,

       "Oh. . ." Mikael starts, "I already got what I want." Klaus stare at him in confusion but then his eyes glanced down at Mikael's hands where he could see a splat of blood. Klaus froze and glance back at his bed for a split second before glancing back at Mikael, "What did you do?!"

       Mikael only gave him a smirk and nodded towards the bedroom door. Klaus gave him a wary glare before opening the door. Klaus' eyes widened in shock as he vamp-speed downstairs. His eyes locked on Adelaide's dead body. Her throat was slit and her heart ripped out of her chest. He let out a shuddering breath as he shakily put his hand on her cheek, "No. . ."

       "You're still the weak and pathetic boy I remember." Mikael spat. Klaus whipped his head towards the man, his eyes filled with tears, "I'm gonna kill you!"

       "You can't." Mikael smirks, "I'm already dead." Then the smirk fell of his face as he vamp-speed towards Klaus, his hand gripped the back of Klaus' head as he force Klaus to stare at Adelaide's dead body. "You should've of killed her the moment you met her! She made you weak, pathetic!" Klaus did nothing but shed tears, "Shut up!"

         "Love is a vampire greatest weakness. She'll be dead soon because she associates herself with you, boy. And when she dies, it'll be your fault. Yours." Klaus let out growl as he got up from the ground and slammed Mikael against the bricked wall, "Shut up!"

       Klaus gasped awake, his body covered in sweat. He turn his head over to his right and saw Adelaide asleep and alive. He let out a relieved breath as he panted for air. He lay down and wrapped his arms around her, on instinct, she turn and buried her face in the crook of his neck. Klaus' eyes welled up with tears as his nose take in her scent. Adelaide then felt a tear drop fall on her forehead making her open her eyes,

       "Nik?" Adelaide groggily whispers, "Are you okay?" Klaus pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead, his heart beating like crazy, "I'm fine angel, go back to sleep." Adelaide nodded and let out a sigh,

       "I love you Nik." Adelaide muttered. Klaus gave her another kiss on the forehead before leaning his cheek on it, "I love you too, lovely."


i'm sorry for not updating yesterday, i just opened a graphic shop and i got requests, so i had to make a lot of covers, it took me almost the whole day to do it but i finished it. also protect klaus and adelaide squad ( someone come up with a ship name, i can't make one up 😔 )

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