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ADELAIDE WOKE WITH A GASP escaping her lips. Heaving breaths leaving her lips, she place a hand over her chest and started to count in her head to calm herself down. After she was calm, her eyes glanced around. She recognized the woods immediately. This was the werewolves' territory specifically the Crescent Wolves, she immediately got off the ground and brush the dirt off her dress,

     "Holy shit." Her eyes widened in shock, "I'm actually here." She started walking and staring around in awe. She stopped in her tracks, remembering what Esther has whispered to her, Not only are you given the ability to bring back anyone you want, you're also Mother Nature. Which means you are queen of the werewolves, vampires and witches. When the werewolves' eyes flash gold, they are in your service, to follow you and your orders. Vampires, you can compel them even my children. Witches, they also follow you and praise you like you're God. Remember this, you'll need it in the future.

     After she was told this, so many emotions entered her body, it was so overwhelming that she felt like she was suffocating. A god to the witches and a queen to the vampires and werewolves. She shook her head, trying to get rid of these thoughts. She continued with her journey with one thought on her mind, to find the Mikaelson Compound.

✩  ➴ ︎ ˚ .  ✦

NEW ORLEANS IS A BEAUTIFUL CITY, no doubt. Before she went to find the Mikaelson Compound, she decided to try some new things, for example trying gumbo. She always wondered what gumbo would taste like, was it good or was it bad? So, she went to find Rousseau's Bar, the bar looked exactly like the one in the show, obviously. She felt weird going to a bar wearing a dress but she didn't give a fuck about what anyone thinks.

     "Hi! I'm Chloe, welcome to Rousseau's Bar, what would you like to eat today?" A chirpy feminine voice entered Adelaide's ear, she turn around and saw a young blonde girl who looks like she's in her early 20's with extremely beautiful green eyes,

     "Hi." Adelaide smiles, "May I get a small bowl of gumbo with a glass of water?"

     Chloe nodded and raise an eyebrow, "Are you sure about getting a small bowl? The gumbo here is to die for!" A laugh escaped from Adelaide's lips before nodding, "Alright! Your food will arrive shortly."

     "Thank you." Adelaide smiled. Chloe went to go get her glass of water. A couple of minutes later, she came back with the glass in her hand, she passed it to Adelaide which Adelaide gave her a nod as her thanks,

     "I'll be right back with your gumbo." Chloe smiled. A couple of minutes later, the bowl of gumbo was placed in front of Adelaide. She was instantly hit with the smell of the gumbo, her stomach grumbled in hunger.

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