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"HOPE!" Adelaide yelled from the kitchen, they were currently residing in the old Mikaelson house. After Klaus and Adelaide confessed their feelings to each other, they spend the night watching movies and cuddled with each other. Hope had woke up to get a glass of milk because she couldn't fall asleep and found the two on the couch asleep with Adelaide in Klaus' arms.

"Coming!" Hope yelled back her bedroom, she has her suitcase packed with her clothes and necessities. She was going back to live in the Salvatore Boarding School,

      "Here's your breakfast." Adelaide said with a smile when Hope walked into the kitchen. Hope's breakfast was simple, some scrambled eggs and three strips of bacon with a glass of milk, "Thank you."

      "How's my two favorite girls doing this morning?" Klaus said with a smile, Adelaide raise an eyebrow and made eye-contact with Hope,

      "You seem happy this morning." Hope smiles, Klaus gave her a smile back, "Of course I am, I just got the girl of my dreams." Adelaide stare at him in bewilderment,

       "Okay, who the hell are you and what have you done to Klaus Mikaelson?" Adelaide said, placing her hands on her hips, Hope and Klaus let out a laugh, "I'm still me, love."

      "Yeah, okay." Adelaide nodded unconvinced, "Okay, come on. Time for school, I'll drive you there and you can introduce me to your friends." Hope let out a groan, "You're not meeting my friends, you're gonna embarrass me."

      "That's my job as your step-mom, isn't it." Adelaide said, quoting "step-mom" with her index fingers, Hope let out a sigh and grab her suitcase, "I regret saying that now."

      "You're lying." Adelaide snicker, helping her put her suitcase in the trunk. Klaus lean against the door and smiled at the sight, he haven't felt like this in awhile, "Let's go." Hope got into the passenger seat while Adelaide walked up to Klaus,

      "Behave." Adelaide point a finger at him, a stern look on her face. Klaus let out a scoff, "What am I? A dog?"

      "Yes." Adelaide smiles and gave him a quick peck on the lips before quickly getting into the driver seat. Hope started laughing hysterically while Klaus' jaw dropped in shock, "You're gonna regret that, angel!"

✩  ➴ ︎ ˚ .  ✦

THE TWO ARRIVED AT THE BOARDING SCHOOL SAFELY. They got out of the car and Hope took her suitcase from the trunk. It was early in the morning so classes haven't started yet, everyone was watching Hope and Adelaide in interest. They knew hope but they didn't know the blonde beauty beside her,

"Come on, kiddo." Adelaide swing her arm around Hope's shoulder, "Let's go meet your friends." Hope grumbled and started leading her to where all her friends are, "Hey, guys."

Lizzie, Josie, MG, and Kaleb turned around, "What's up, Hope."

"Guys, meet my mom, Adelaide. Mom, meet Lizzie, Josie, MG and Kaleb." Adelaide gave them a smile which they gladly return, "Wait, I thought Hayley was your mom." Lizzie asked, her eyes furrowed together,

"She's my step-mom." Hope answered,

"I heard that your parents and uncle came back to life." MG said with a smile, Adelaide knew she was gonna like this kid, she thinks that he deserves so much better after everything that he have been through. ( just a quick note, adelaide also knows the future because she watched the vampire diaries, the originals and legacies )

"Yeah, she actually brought them back to life." Hope nodded her head over to Adelaide. The four kids stare at her in shock, "How?"

"Ever heard of Mother Nature?" Adelaide asked them, they all nodded, Emma, their guidance counselor, told them a lot about Mother Nature, "You're looking at her right now."

Their jaws dropped in shock, "No way."

"Yes way." Adelaide smiles, MG got excited, a huge smile grew on his face, "Emma is going to go crazy!"

"Anyways, I just needed to drop Hope off and then I'll be going." All four of them frowned,

"Please come visit." Josie pleads, she wanted to learn more about Mother Nature considering that Mother Nature is the witches' queens or whatever,

"I promise." Adelaide smiles. She gave Hope a kiss on the forehead and the others a hug before she got into her car and drove back to the Mikaelson home,


i feel like this chapter is really boring but..i hope you guys enjoyed it??? anyways should i create some drama so the book could be more exciting or nah?

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