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ADELAIDE AND KLAUS SPEND THE DAY BINGING MOVIES AND EXPLORING MYSTIC FALLS, even though Klaus knows almost all of the places in Mystic Falls, Adelaide didn't, so he wanted to show her around.

"Here you go, love." Klaus hand her an ice cream cone that he got from the person who was selling ice creams. Adelaide smile brightly and eagerly grab it, "Thank you."

"Where do you want to go next?" Klaus asks, they're both holding hands, walking down the streets. Mystic Grill was near them, "Lunch date?"

"Alright, come on." Klaus said, the duo started to make their way to the Grill. When they arrived, Klaus started to glance around, the Grill still look the same years ago,

They both took a seat at an empty table and a waiter came to them. He has short black curly hair and green eyes, "Hi, I'm Landon and I'll be taking your order."

Adelaide gave him a warm smile and then she started to realize something, "Hey, you're Landon, Landon Kirby, right?"

"Uh, yeah. Do I know you?" Landon asked in confusion. Klaus squint his eyes at the young boy, he feels like he knows him from somewhere, "I'm Hope's step-mom."

"Oh, wow. Hi." Landon nervously smiles, he look over at Klaus and could literally see the resemblance between him and Hope, "And I'm guessing you're Hope's dad." Klaus nodded in response, still skeptical of him. Klaus remember him now, Hope had danced with him when he, Hope and Elijah went to Mystic Falls to find a way to get rid of the Hollow. Landon suddenly started to get even more nervous from the look that he was getting from Klaus.

"Ignore him." Adelaide glared over at Klaus which he roll his eyes in response, "Anyways, can I get a burger with a side of fries." Landon nodded and wrote down her order,

"I'll have a cup of tea and salad." Adelaide gave him an incredulous look, "Really? A salad, what are you, a vegetarian?" Klaus gave her a scowl while Landon's lips curled into a small smile,

"Your order will be out soon." Landon said before quickly leaving, Adelaide hit Klaus on his shoulder making him let out a small shout, "You scared the poor boy!"

"No, I did not." Klaus roll his eyes, Adelaide raise an eyebrow which cause him to let out a sigh, "What do you want me to do? Apologize?" A smile grew on her face, "Absolutely not!"

"It's just an apology." Adelaide chuckles, "It's not that hard." Klaus cross his arms over his chest and leaned back against his chair, a pout on his lips. Adelaide mentally awe at the sight, he's such a big baby.

"Klaus, apologize and stop acting like a child." Adelaide squint her eyes at him,

"No." Klaus stubbornly states, Adelaide gave him a glare, "Why are you acting like a child?"

"Why are you acting like a child?" Klaus mocked her, Adelaide let out a dramatic gasp, "Stop mocking me!"

"Stop mocking me!" Klaus mocked her again, Adelaide made a grumpy face and cross her arms over her chest, "Now's who's the child?" Klaus smirked, sticking his tongue out at her like a child.

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