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EVER SINCE KLAUS HAD FOUND OUT THAT ADELAIDE WAS DYING, he haven't stop trying to find a way to keep her alive. He would constantly search for answer after answer. Everyone was trying to find a way to keep Adelaide alive.

"Nik. . ." Adelaide grabbed his hand, his tired eyes met hers, bags was visible under his eyes from the lack of sleep, "You're tired, go rest."

"Not until I find a way to keep you alive." Klaus said, shaking his head. Adelaide let out a sigh, she understand how much Klaus wants to find a way to keep her alive but if he doesn't take care of himself while doing that, she would stop him, "Go rest, please."

Klaus turn over to her when he heard the desperation in her voice, her eyes filled with concern for him. Klaus started to admire her features, the honey brown eyes that she has, specks of green and gold twinkling in her eyes. Her soft pink lips, oh how he wanted to kiss them, "Okay. I'll go rest."

"If, you stay with me." Klaus said, Adelaide shot him an incredulous look, "You're joking." Klaus raise an eyebrow,

"Does it look like I'm joking?" Klaus said making Adelaide laugh, "Ugh, fine, you big baby."

"I am not a big baby!" Klaus exclaims, Adelaide gave him a sarcastic smile and nodded, "Sure."

"Now shush, rest." Klaus roll his eyes and grumbled profanities under his breath before getting comfortable on Adelaide's lap.

✩  ➴ ︎ ˚ .  ✦

     ADELAIDE AND KLAUS' POSITION SWITCHED, Klaus is now laying on top of her, his arms wrapped around her waist while Adelaide's arms are around his neck, her fingers playing with his hair.

"Wow. . ." Rebekah trailed off, walking into the courtyard, "You finally got him to rest."

"Yeah." Adelaide laughed, "He didn't want to rest until he found a way to keep me alive."

"About that." Rebekah said, sitting down on an empty chair, "Is there a way to keep you alive?"

Adelaide didn't answer for awhile, a sad smile appear on her face, "No. There isn't a way to keep me alive."

"Oh god. . ." Rebekah gasped, "Nik's gonna be crushed."

"I don't want him to know." Adelaide stated, looking over at Rebekah, "I can't bare to see him hurt."

"But you dying is going to hurt him." Rebekah said softly, "There has to be a way to keep you alive." Adelaide slowly nodded,

"Then we'll find a way." Adelaide said making Rebekah smile, "But if there isn't a way to keep me alive then. . . comfort him." Rebekah let out a sigh and nodded,

✩  ➴ ︎ ˚ .  ✦

"SHH." Hope whispered to Kol , "You're gonna wake them." Adelaide fell asleep after her conversation with Rebekah, she needed some rest before having to deal with Klaus' "annoying" complains again.

     "Kol, Hope, leave us alone." Klaus said, without opening his eyes. Hope jumped in fright, a squeal leaving her lips, "Jesus Christ."

     Klaus opened his eyes and glared at the two before his eyes darted over to Adelaide's sleeping form, his eyes softened and a sigh left his lips, "Come on, let her rest."

     "Dad." Hope started, a humming sound came from Klaus, "I have to go back to school in a couple of hours." Klaus look over at Hope, his eyes leaving Adelaide, "Do you want me to drive you there?"

"Yeah and I was wondering if Adelaide could come along." Hope smiles, Klaus was taken back by that but nevertheless, he nodded.

"I'm awake." Adelaide said, blinking, a yawn leaving her mouth, "What are we gonna do today?" Hope gave her dad a nudge making him raise an eyebrow at her before he let out a sigh, "Hope and I was wondering if you'll join us on a trip to Hope's school."

"Of course." Adelaide smiles, "I always wanted to see the Salvatore Boarding School." She got weird looks from the trio, "Don't ask."

✩  ➴ ︎ ˚ .  ✦

"HEY! I JUST MET YOU," Adelaide and Hope sang in unison. Klaus is driving the three of them to the Salvatore Boarding School for Supernaturals so while they're driving there, Adelaide and Hope decided to have a carpool, "And this is crazy! But here's my number, so call me maybe!"

"Oh, for bloody sakes." Klaus roll his eyes, "Enough with this already, what is this kind of music?" Adelaide let out a dramatic gasp,

"How do you not know the song Call Me Maybe?!" Adelaide exclaims, Klaus glanced over at her and raise an eyebrow, "You're being a bit dramatic about this, love."

"The only dramatic person in this car is you." Adelaide huffed, Hope let out a laugh but quickly covered it up with a cough when Klaus shot her a look,

"You need to learn more about the twenty-first century." Adelaide said, Klaus let out a laugh, "I already know a lot about the twenty-first century, angel."

"Okay fine, Mr. I know so much about the twenty-first century, do you know the show called The Walking Dead?" Adelaide asked, Klaus glance at her for a second before glancing back, focusing on driving, "That's the show where there's an apocalypse and people try and survive while also killing the walkers." Adelaide let out a hum, "Impressive." Klaus gave her a smirk, "Is that all you got, love?"

Adelaide squint her eyes at him while crossing her arms over her chest. Hope's eyes widened, "You just made a big mistake, dad. . ."


uh....i'm getting really lazy now but um should i give klaus a happy ending? because i might or might not. 👀

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