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       ADELAIDE WOKE UP WITH A HORRIBLE HEADACHE, then her mind was filled with yesterday events. She fainted and she knew why. She slowly open her eyes and let out a groan,

       She turn and saw Klaus in a chair beside her asleep but in a very uncomfortable position. His lips were in a slight pout, his curls messed up and his head leaned back against the chair,

       She smiled at the sight before caressing his cheek. On instinct, Klaus leaned into her hand and let out a content sigh, "Nik."

       "Mmm." Klaus mumbles in his sleep, "Baby, wake up."

       "Adelaide?" Klaus whispered slowly opening his eyes, "You're awake."

       "Yeah. . ." Adelaide softly smile, "How long was I asleep?" A sad look appeared on Klaus' face, "You've been asleep for two days, love."

        "What?" Adelaide gasped, Klaus send her a small smile and kiss her hand,

       "Hayley and the others arrived yesterday. I asked Freya if she knew why you fainted but all she said was to ask you." Klaus informed her, Adelaide tense up, "So, do you know why you fainted?"

       "Yeah. . ." Adelaide sighed, she turn her body so she was facing Klaus, she grabbed his hands and intertwined it with hers, "I'm losing time."

       "Losing time?" Klaus furrow his eyebrows before his eyes widened in realization, "You're running out of time. . ." Adelaide slowly nodded with a frown on her face,

       "No." Klaus shook his head in denial, "We're gonna find a way, I don't care what the price is. I need you, I can't lose you, love." Klaus whispered, his eyes filled with unshed tears. Adelaide's heart clenched at the sight, she didn't want to make him cry. She rubbed her thumb over his knuckles and place a soft kiss on his lips,

        "We'll find a way." Adelaide said with a small smile, even though there wasn't a way to keep her alive, she wanted him to have hope, even if it's a little bit. Klaus let out a sigh and pulled her close to him, her head on his chest. His finger stroking her hair. Adelaide wrap her arms around his waist while Klaus place a kiss on the crown of her head,

        "We'll find a way."

✩  ➴ ︎ ˚ .  ✦

AFTER THEIR LITTLE MOMENT, they made their way downstairs to the kitchen. Hayley and Rebekah was talking while making breakfast, Kol did whatever he would always do, which is annoying people, Elijah was glaring at him while his hand was gripping onto his cup of coffee. His knuckles were white and he looked like he was trying to calm himself down and prevent himself from exploding. Poor Elijah,

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