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AFTER ADELAIDE INTRODUCED HERSELF and told the two Mikaelson girls that she have the ability to bring back anyone, they decided to try and trust her, but they still had their suspicions. Rebekah listened to what Adelaide had said and called Kol and told him to bring Davina too. She also called Hope's school and told them that she was going to be picked up for an important 'family' event,

"What's his name?" Adelaide asks Freya, the blonde snap her head from the grimore she was reading and locked eyes with Adelaide,

"Him?" Freya's eyes darted over to her son who was on the ground, a blanket underneath him. The baby making gurgling and cooing sounds as he plays with alphabet blocks. Adelaide nodded, "His name is Nik." Adelaide's eyes shot over to Freya,

"Like Klaus." Adelaide breathes out, Freya gave her a small smile in response,

"Yeah," Freya laughs. Adelaide turned and watched the baby for a bit. A small smile grew on her face,

"Well, Kol is on his way, as well as Marcel." Rebekah announces, waltzing into the room, she took a sit beside Freya and opened a grimore,

     "What about Hope?" Freya asked, her eyebrows furrow together, Adelaide grab her cup of tea and sip it,

     "Marcel is on his way to pick her up." Rebekah answers, a shriek of happiness left Nik's mouth as he watched his alphabet tower fall down,

      "Sounds like someone's having fun." Adelaide smirked causing the two Mikaelsons to laugh,

     "Little sister!" The three women's head snapped over to the entrance, Kol and Davina side by side, making their way towards them, "What got you calling me when you knew that I was on vacation." Annoyance was clear in Kol's tone,

     "Well, it seems that we're gonna have to deal with Nik's annoying self again." Rebekah answers vaguely, Kol furrow his eyebrows in confusion, Davina's eyes traveled to the grimores placed on the glass table,

     "What do you mean?" Kol scoffed, "Nik has been dead for almost a year."

     "Adelaide here," Kol and Davina's head snapped over to her direction, now just realizing that she was there, "Has the ability to bring back anyone she wants and she wants to bring back Nik, Elijah and Hayley."

     "What?" Davina's shocked voice spoke after a very long silence, "That's impossible."

     "That's what we said." Freya said, "I was shocked but she's Mother Nature so. . ." Kol blinked repeatedly, absorbing all the information,

     "Hold up," Kol held up his finger, "Mother Nature?"

     "I know." Adelaide spoke, "Shocking." A snort came from Rebekah as she quietly sip her warm tea,

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