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       ADELAIDE STAYED IN HER BEDROOM ALL DAY ONLY TO LEAVE WHEN SHE NEEDED TO USE THE BATHROOM or to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. Beside that, she didn't do anything else. Klaus had tried multiple times to get her to talk but she wouldn't budge, she would just stare at him and then leave.

       Adelaide woke up in the middle of the night, specifically at two am. She turn and saw Klaus cuddled into his pillow, his lips formed a pout and the blanket up to his shoulders. Adelaide smile at the sight and tuck a loose strand of one of his curls behind his ear. Adelaide quietly got out of bed and grabbed a duffel bag. She started packing it and then started to get dress. She has on a black hoodie that belongs to Klaus, some black jeans that are knee-ripped. She put the hood of the hoodie over her head and left the room.

       She has the duffel bag over her shoulder when she heard footsteps making her freeze, "What the bloody hell are you doing up at two in the morning?!" Rebekah.

      She turn around slowly and let out a sigh, "I'm going back to New Orleans." They were whispering so they wouldn't wake anyone up. Rebekah walk closer to Adelaide and gave her a disbelief look, even though it was dark. Adelaide could see it. "Why?"

       "Because. ." Adelaide starts, "It's important." Rebekah raise an eyebrow and cross her arms over her chest, "How very vague of you."

       "Look Bekah." Adelaide sighed, holding onto the strap of her duffel bag, "I don't have time for this. I'm dying soon and I need to do something in New Orleans." Rebekah let out a sigh and thought for moment. She knew that if Adelaide leaves, everyone will go bonkers trying to look for her but if she goes with Addy then they'll be less worried. "Only if I go with you." Adelaide looks surprised for a moment before slowly nodding,

      "Okay." Adelaide says, "Start packing, I'll need to put a cloaking spell on us soon." Rebekah nodded before going back to her and Marcel's shared bedroom to pack. A few minutes later, Rebekah came out with a duffel bag over her shoulder.

      "Well, what are we waiting for?" Rebekah says, she nod her head over to the front door, "Let's go."

✩ ➴ ︎ ˚ . ✦

     THE TWO ARRIVED IN NEW ORLEANS AT SEVEN AM. Adelaide has place a cloaking spell on them earlier so no one would be able to find them. They went to Rousseau's first because Adelaide was starving considering she didn't have breakfast yet.

     "Where are we going to next?" Rebekah asks as she takes a sip of her tea. Adelaide swallow her food, "Lafayette Cemetery."

     "Why do we need to go there?" Rebekah asks again, her eyebrows knitted together. Adelaide gave Rebekah a hesitant look before answering, "I need to talk to your mother, Esther." Rebekah's eyes widened in shock, her lips parted a bit.

     "Why the bloody hell do you need to talk to her?" Rebekah whisper-shouted, Adelaide let out a sigh, "She might know a way to keep me alive."

     "Or she'll probably trick you and you'll die anyways." Rebekah retorts,

     "She won't do that." Adelaide shook her head. Rebekah raise an eyebrow and sip her tea, "And why is that?"

     "Because she was the one who brought me here in the first place." Rebekah's jaw dropped and she almost dropped her cup of tea, "You're joking right?"

     "Does it look like I'm joking?" Adelaide raise an eyebrow, Rebekah shook her head, "Bloody hell."

     "Well, let's go. I'm done." Adelaide says and the two left after they paid for the food and drinks.

✩ ➴ ︎ ˚ . ✦

AFTER DRIVING FOR S FEE MINUTES, they've finally arrived at the Lafayette Cemetery. They both got out of the car and started making their way into the cemetery,

"So, how are you going to talk to her?" Rebekah asks as she walks side by side with Adelaide, "It's a good thing that you decided to come because to contact her, I need the blood of someone who shares blood with her."

"Here." Was all Adelaide said, Rebekah turn and saw an empty crypt. The two walked inside and out of nowhere, it started to get windy. Not that windy though.

Adelaide grabbed a chalice from her duffel bag, she was carrying it the whole time while Rebekah's duffel bag was in the car. She grab a knife from the bag and pass it over to the blonde vampire. Rebekah took it and slice her hand open over the chalice. Her hand healed so she needed to cut it again. After Adelaide gotten enough blood, Rebekah gave her back the knife and she place it back into the bag. Just then, Rebekah's phone started ringing, "Who is it?"

"Nik." Rebekah answers, Adelaide bit on her bottom lip in thought, "Answer it." Rebekah gave her a hesitant look, "Are you sure?" Adelaide nodded,

"Hello?" Rebekah answers the phone, she put it on speaker so Adelaide could hear the conversation. "Rebekah, where is she?"

"Who?" Rebekah asks innocently making Adelaide smile a bit, "Don't play dumb Rebekah, I know she's with you."

"Oh!" Rebekah exclaims, "You're talking about Adelaide?" Klaus let out a sigh on the other side of the phone, "Yes, Rebekah. I'm talking about Adelaide."

"She's fine and safe, Nik. She's with me." Rebekah says without telling him where they are. "And where exactly is safe Rebekah? Hm? I woke up this morning only to find out that Addy wasn't there and then I found out you weren't here also, coincidence, is it not?"

"I'm sorry Nik. I can't tell you where we are but I guarantee you that Addy will be safe and sound." Rebekah softly said,

"Fine." Klaus grumbles, "But I won't stop trying to find out where the two of you are." Adelaide grab the phone and turn off the speaker,

"Good luck, love you." Was all Adelaide said before hanging up. Rebekah let out a laugh, "Did you just hang up on him?"

"I did." Adelaide laughs,

"Alright, I'll wait outside because I do not want to face my mother again." Rebekah says with a small smile, Adelaide gave one back before Rebekah left,

"Can't believe I'm doing this."


so do you think that esther is going to actually help adelaide or will esther screw her over? let me know what you think!

i hope you enjoy this chapter, but just a fair warning, for future chapters, it might be sad so have some tissues just in case.

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