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▬▬▬▬   ♡ ⋆ .༉   ▬▬▬▬

       Dear Nik, if you're reading this then... it means that I'm dead. I'm sorry that I lied to you by telling you that there was a way to keep me alive. I didn't want to tell you only to have you broken, I saw how happy you were and how you were filled with hope when you found out that there could be a way to keep me alive. But feeding you lies was worse than telling you the truth. I hope you can forgive me, if not then, I understand why.

       I want to tell you that I love you and I appreciate you so much. You're the best thing that ever happen to me and god, you had me the moment you made eye-contact. I want you to know that it's okay to move on, it's okay to love someone else, I don't want you to feel like you're cheating on me or betraying me when you're with another woman, it's okay baby. It's okay.

       Take care of your family for me and most importantly take care of yourself. I love you Nik, always and forever.

       Love, Addy.

       Klaus let out a shuddering breath and closed his eyes as a tear stream down his face. He gripped the letter in his hand as he leaned back against the chair, god he missed her already. He found the letter in her nightstand when he was cleaning up the room. He couldn't get the image of her dead body out of his mind. Lifeless in his arms. He can't see her honey brown eyes anymore, her smile that could light up an entire room, the melodic sound of her laugh and most of all, the warmth of her hugs and kisses.

       "Klaus?" Hayley's voice enters Klaus' ears, "Are you okay?" Klaus open his eyes and glance over at Hayley who was standing by the doorway with a worried look on her face, "I'm fine, little wolf."

      "You got to stop calling me that." Hayley softly laughs making Klaus crack a smile, "Just take a few moments alone and then we'll go to Adelaide's funeral." Klaus' heart dropped at her name, his eyes glistening up with more tears. He glance away from Hayley and stare outside through the open balcony,

      "Okay." Klaus whispers, his voice breaking at the end. Hayley frowned, her heart breaking for him. She loved Adelaide like a sister but Klaus out of all of them, Adelaide's death hit him the most. Dean, Sam and Bobby arrived earlier in black suits, a sad look on their face.

      Klaus made his way downstairs into the backyard, they all decided to have Adelaide's funeral in the backyard because they didn't want it in public if that makes sense.

      "Hey." Hope says, giving her dad a small smile, "You ready?" Klaus nodded and they begin Adelaide's funeral, everyone made a speech and talked about Adelaide saying how she helped them and how kind and sweet she was.

      The last person to go was Klaus. He walked up to the front, everyone's eyes was on him. The casket was open, Adelaide was in a white dress, her hands folded on top of her stomach. She looked so peaceful, like she was just sleeping.

      "Adelaide," Klaus started, "She was an amazing person, she helped me through a lot." Dean glances down at his hands as a tear fall down his face, "She was everyone's best friend. If you needed a shoulder to cry on, she was there. If you needed help with something, she was there. I've never met someone who was so selfless like that, someone who was so kind and sweet. I didn't know what was gonna happen when she was gone but she told me that I'm strong, I've suffered a lot though my time on Earth and because of that, I learned to cope with it, the pain, the hurt, the guilt and most importantly the heartbreak."

       Because you're strong and you have suffer a lot through your time on this Earth and because of that, you learned how to cope with it, the pain, the hurt, the guilt, and most importantly the heart-break.

       "She didn't deserve this." Klaus whispers glancing at Adelaide's body. The ladies was crying while the men was holding back their tears. "She never did."

       "But now, all I want for her is peace. I hope she finds it." Klaus mutters before sitting back down on his chair. Everyone was in silence, silently mourning for Adelaide as they stare at her body. Adelaide was there with them, just in spirit form. Esther suddenly appeared next to her, "Hello, darling."

        "Esther." Adelaide says. Esther gave her a sad look, "So I'm really dead?"

        "No." Esther shook her head. Adelaide whipped her heard towards Esther, her eyes widened in bewilderment, "What?"

       "Wake up." Was all Esther said. Adelaide knitted her eyebrows together in confusion, "Wake up?"

      "Wake up!"

       Adelaide gasped and shot up from her bed. There stood in front of her was her little sister, Annabelle. Her sister was looking at her in amusement, "I've been trying to wake you up for ten minutes."

      "What?" Adelaide mutters under breath. All of that was a dream? No way, it felt so real though. "What were you dreaming?"

      "Nothing." Adelaide quickly reply, Annabella raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off, "Anyways, get ready. We're leaving soon." Her sister then left the room leaving Adelaide in her thoughts,

It was all a dream.


that's the end of purpose! 😔
i really enjoyed writing this and i might make a sequel, who knows? anyways, thank you for all the love and support, i really appreciate it. if you want me to make a sequel, comment 🖤🕊

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2/28/22, i have officially finished editing this story, uh wow 😭 i hope u guys enjoyed this, unfortunately there will be no sequel :( tysm for loving this book and yeah :')

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