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▬▬▬▬ ♡ ⋆ .༉ ▬▬▬▬

KLAUS SLOWLY OPEN HIS EYES, the sight of Adelaide gone made him worried, he shot up from the bed, throwing the blanket off of him as he starts to call for Adelaide, "Addy?!"

Adelaide heard Klaus from downstairs, she was making some breakfast for him and was planning to surprise him with it until he called out her name. Her eyebrows knitted together when she heard panic and worry in his voice,

She quickly stopped what she was doing and ran upstairs. She open the door, almost bumping into him. Klaus' sigh in relief as his eyes light up at her presence, "Oh, thank god." Adelaide gave him a weird look but it wiped off when he unexpectedly pulled her into a hug. She was surprised at first but did not hesitate to hug him back,

"Are you okay baby?" Adelaide muttered against his shoulder. Klaus nodded as he breathe in her scent, "You've been acting weird lately, are you sure you're okay?" Adelaide asks again when she pulled away from the hug. Klaus' eyes softened at her concern, it's true, he has been acting weird lately, it's only because he had a dream where she died. Lifeless in his arms. Blood splattered everywhere and as he stare at her dead body, he was being taunted by Mikael.

"I'm okay, love." Klaus softly says, "I promise." Adelaide gave him a look showing him that she didn't believe him but when she saw the honesty in his eyes, she decided to believe him.

"Come on, I made us breakfast." Adelaide smiles, he immediately smile back and let out a soft laugh, "Then what are we still standing here for, let's go eat."

"I was waiting for you to wake up old man." Adelaide playfully roll her eyes. Klaus gaped at her in shock, his jaw dropping a bit, "You did not."

"Oh but I did." Adelaide mischievously smirk. Klaus gave her a playful glare before giving her a look, warning her to run. "You better run."

"Catch me if you can!" Adelaide let out a laugh before running downstairs. Klaus smiles at the sound of her laugh before running after her,

✩ ➴ ︎ ˚ . ✦

       AFTER THEIR LITTLE PLAYFUL MOMENT, they headed back to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. They saw that everyone was awake and they were either eating or drinking coffee/blood. Kol glance up from Nik who was in his lap playing with some blocks that were on the kitchen table, "Well, isn't it the lovebirds, had fun?" Klaus roll his eyes and flipped him off making Adelaide laugh,

       "What's for breakfast?" Adelaide asks. Kol gave her a mischievous smirk, "The classic breakfast but I'm pretty sure Nik already had breakfast, right?" Adelaide stare at him with her mouth gaped open while Klaus was giving him a murderous glare. Nik turn his head from his alphabet blocks and when he saw Adelaide, he started to reach for her. Adelaide saw that he was trying to reach for her so she took him out of Kol's arms making Kol pout,

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