Chapter 8

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Later that day Ben, Roger, Freddie and Brian were all gathered in their little studio. The last of the auditioners had just left, and they were discussing their performances.
"I don't think we have to talk about the first one at all?", Brian assumed. Roger shook his head urgently.
"No. No. My ears are traumatized. I will never recover from this assault."
"Yeah, whatever," Freddie interrupted, "the third guy though? He was pretty good." Ben immediately shut him down.
"No. I don't think any of them are really suitable." Freddie gave him a questioning look.
"Why not?"
"I just don't think any of them were able to match your energy," Ben said.
"Me neither," Roger agreed. Brian looked at Freddie.
"I guess that's it then?" Freddie shrugged.
"I suppose so."
Ben and Roger jumped up and headed for the door.
"One moment, guys," Freddie said. "I wanna talk to Ben for a second. Alone."
A little taken aback, Ben sat back down with him.
"We'll go home then. I still have to study anyway. See you guys," Brian said. Freddie and Ben said their goodbye's, and he and Roger left the room.
"So? What did you want to talk about?", Ben asked. Freddie waited until Roger and Brian's footsteps could not be heard anymore.
"Just tell me who it's gonna be," he said. Ben looked at him dumbfounded.
"Who is gonna be what?"
"Our bassist. Who is it going to be?"
"Wha- what makes you think I know?", Ben stuttered. Freddie crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"We both know that you do. Are you going to tell me I'm wrong?" Ben just stared at him, at a loss of words. Freddie sighed.
"I already told you I had a feeling I knew you from somewhere. And then the lyrics you wrote. Ben, I already had some bits of them planned out." Ben's heart skipped a beat. Fuck. He should have thought about that.
"They're identical to what I wrote," Freddie went on. "You have been hiding something this whole time. Don't even try to deny it." When he saw the shock in Ben's eyes, his expression softened.
"Ben, I just want to know what's going on so I can help you. Whatever you tell me stays between us. I promise you that." Ben looked Freddie straight in the eye. There was no point in lying to him any longer.
"What if I told you I'm from the future?" Freddie stared back at him without blinking. When he didn't say anything, Ben started to regret his decision. He considered playing it off as a joke, but then Freddie found his voice again.
"Tell me everything."

And so he did. He told him about the legendary band Queen would become. The movie he had portrayed Roger in. The night he suddenly woke up here, still not knowing why. Freddie listened with wide eyes.
"I know this sounds crazy," Ben concluded, "and it doesn't explain why you thought you knew me. But that's all I can say." Freddie took a moment to let it all sink in.
"All right," he said. "I believe you."
"So what are you going to do now?", Ben asked.
"I'm not going to do anything. Not on my own, at least. I think we need to work together if we want to figure out what's going on."
Ben nodded. "I think so too."
"Do you think you might be here for a reason? Is there anything we should know about our future?", Freddie asked. Ben hesitated. Could that be right? Was he sent back in time to save Freddie? So far he had been trying his best not to make any significant changes, but this was one thing that wouldn't have any negative consequences.
"Well... I guess there is something you should know," he began. "You're sorta... dead."
Freddie's eyes went wide.
"But!", Ben added quickly, "That is entirely preventable. Just um... you know. Maybe be a little more mindful of using protection." Freddie looked a bit embarrassed.
"Aids?", he asked.
"Yeah. Nothing to be ashamed of though, just make sure it doesn't happen this time."
"Right... Do you happen to know who I got it from?", Freddie wanted to know.
"Er, Freddie. It would be helpful if you could just be careful in general," Ben urged him. "I don't want you to avoid this specific person just to contract something from someone else." Freddie hummed in agreement.
"I suppose that makes sense. But you should at least be able to tell me who our bassist is going to be, right? I was not serious earlier, I just wanted to see how you would react. They were all awful. I don't want to do that to myself again." Ben chuckled.
"His name is John Deacon. In the movie he was actually played by Joe, the friend I mentioned." Ben's heart sank at the thought of him.
"So how much of that story was actually true?", Freddie asked carefully.
"Well, I did have feelings for him. I never told him because I knew there was no way it was mutual. My parents were already aware of my sexuality at that point. They did not have a problem with it. I feel bad for lying, but..."
"It's okay," Freddie interrupted, "you didn't have much of a choice." He put a hand on Ben's shoulder.
"Let's go home, shall we? You can tell me more on the way."

Freddie had a lot more questions for Ben. As they made their way back to their apartment, they spoke quietly to one another, as to not attract the attention of passersby.
"And then, while I was driving I got a call from Brian, which is weird because I hadn't heard from him in months." Freddie squinted his eyes, perplexed.
"How did you get a call while you were driving?"
"Oh, right. Wireless phones, don't worry about it." Freddie shook his head.
"That's how I know you're not lying. You could not be making this up. Anyway, what did Bri want from you?"
"That's the thing, I still don't know. But like I said, my memory is slowly coming back bit by bit. Maybe I'll remember it soon."
"That would certainly be helpful," Freddie said. They were getting close to their block now. Ben felt a flutter in his stomach. Roger was probably waiting for him already. He still couldn't believe they were really going to go on a date tomorrow. He wondered what Roger might have planned. He caught Freddie side-eyeing him, a smirk on his lips. Ben realized he was smiling like an idiot. He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"Excited to see someone?", Freddie asked innocently.
"And if so?", Ben sighed.
"Then I would say you're welcome. And you owe me one last answer." Ben looked at him with a questioning expression.
"Will I find somebody to love?", Freddie asked. Ben chuckled.
"You'll write a song about it." Freddie rolled his eyes.
"I could've guessed that much."
"But yeah, you will."
"Woman or man?", Freddie inquired.
"You said only one last answer," Ben reminded him.
"Oh don't be like that."
"I can't tell you everything."
"You can tell me this," Freddie insisted. Ben was about to turn him down, but then he had an idea. Maybe he could help Brian to stay with Mary if he gave Freddie a nodge in the right direction.
"Okay fine. You'll have a boyfriend."
"What's his name? When will I meet him? And where?"
"Freddie, that's really too much information."
"Ben, please. You don't think I'd mess things up with my own boyfriend, do you?" Ben let out a defeated sigh.
"His name's Jim Hutton. He lives here in London." Freddie smiled triumphantly.
"That's all I wanted to hear."

Heya guys! As always, I hope you liked this chapter. I'm sure you don't mind a little more suspence before the date, do you? *evil author laugh*
I will see you next time. Maybe, if I feel nice enough, you'll get it then.


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