Chapter 19

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Some time in the early afternoon Ben woke up. He had a mild hangover, and his throat was dry. He needed to get some water. But when he opened his eyes, he didn't find himself in his room. Instead, he was laying in bed next to Roger, who was still sound asleep. Ben panicked. He couldn't remember what exactly had happened last night. He pushed the blanket off himself to find he was fully clothed. He let out a relieved sigh. That was at least something. Unsure if he should wake up Roger before leaving his room, he just sat there and watched him sleep for a while. Eventually, last night's events started to come back to him, and he remembered that Deaky was going to audition today. He needed to ask Freddie when they had to be at the studio. Quietly, he snuck out of the room.

The mess they had left behind in the living room hit him like a truck. The sofa cushions were scattered across the floor, and the table was still covered in flour, sprinkles and food coloring.
"Oh boy..." The first thing Ben decided to do was chug down five glasses of water. He didn't remember exactly how much wine he had drunk, but you could never be too careful. Then he went to the bathroom before tending to the chaos. As he was cleaning the table, Freddie peaked through his bedroom door with tired eyes.
"Morning, Ben," he yawned.
"Morning," Ben replied.
"Is Rog still asleep?", Freddie wanted to know.
"Yes. I didn't want to wake him up just yet. But when are we seeing Brian and Deaky?" Freddie's eyes widened.
"Ah, fuck, I completely forgot about that. I said we'd meet at the studio at three." They both looked over at the clock. It was already half past one. Freddie took the cleaning rag out of Ben's hand.
"Let me finish this, you go wake up Rog."

He didn't have to tell him twice. When Ben entered the room, Roger still hadn't moved. Ben quietly sat down next to him, an adoring smile on his face. He wished they could stay like this for a while longer, but unfortunately not today. He brought his hand up to Roger's head and gently swiped strands of hair out of his face. Roger's eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning, precious," Ben whispered.
"Or, good afternoon, I should say." Roger hummed, not quite awake enough to speak.
"You have to get up soon, we have to leave in about an hour," Ben explained.
"Oh, right. The audition," Roger remembered. He slowly sat up. Then another memory struck him.
"You slept here, didn't you?" Ben nodded.
"Yes." The expression on Roger's face suddenly shifted. Ben wasn't quite sure what to make of it, but it certainly wasn't happy.
"What is it?" Roger looked down, clearing his throat.
"Did we...?"
"Oh. No, I don't think we did anything. At least, not that I can remember."
"Okay. Good," Roger said quietly. Ben didn't know what else to say to that. He somewhat awkwardly changed the topic.
"So... Are you coming? Getting up, I mean." Roger still seemed somewhat tense when he answered.
"Sure. Just give me a minute, will you?" "Of course." Ben headed for the door. When he turned back to share one last look with Roger, a forced smile was on the latter's face. Ben was beginning to feel worried. Did Roger regret letting him sleep in his room?

By the time they were on their way, Roger was acting like his usual self again, talking loudly and cheerfully joking around. Ben figured he was just reading too much into his behavior earlier. Brian was already awaiting them when they got to the studio. He sat on the drum risers, strumming his guitar.
"Hey Bri!" Roger was the first one to great him.
"Hello guys." He put his guitar aside to give everyone a quick hug.
"How have you all been?", he asked.
"Quite gay," Freddie said with a smirk. Brian nodded knowingly.
"So I've heard," he said.
"Have you now?" Ben looked at Freddie, who raised his hands defensively.
"You didn't say I couldn't tell Brian."
"What exactly did he tell you?", Roger asked.
"Just that you and Ben are going out. And that he's planning your wedding." Freddie playfully punched him in the side.
"Oh stop lying." Brian giggled.
"You did sound like you wanted to though."
"And I will, if that day ever comes."
"Alright, that's enough of that," Ben interrupted them.

Before they could get into any more banter, the doorbell rang. Freddie, closely followed by Ben and Roger, with Brian at the back, hurried to the door. Outside stood a young man with a black guitar case on his back, and a shy smile on his boyish face.
"Hello," he said. Freddie greeted him with a bright smile.
"Welcome darling, step inside!"

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