Chapter 33

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"And that's the last one."
Ben set down a box containing Roger's vinyl collection in their new bedroom. A few months after the two had made their relationship official, they decided to rent a little apartment just for themselves. For the last weeks everyone had been incredibly busy, as it wasn't just them who were moving. Clare was able to get a job at a barbershop, which payed her just enough so she could afford to live without her brother's help, and Deaky took the opportunity to move in with Freddie.

Roger and Brian were sitting on the floor between cardboard boxes, tools and screws, putting together a dresser.
"Do you need help with that?", Ben offered.
"No, it's fine honey, we got this," Roger assured him.
"Then I'll see if I can help elsewhere."
Ben went to check on Freddie and John in the living room.
"Ah, good that you are here Ben," John said.
"We are done with the furniture. Is there anything we can help unpack?"
Ben scratched the back of his head as he let his eyes wander over the boxes all across the room.

"Um... I think the kitchen utensils should be somewhere over here. Let me check."
He kneeled down on the floor to search through the cartons. The first one he opened contained cosmetic products.
"Nope, that goes in the bathroom."
"On it." Freddie jumped up from where he was sitting.
"Thanks. Ah, here they are."
With John's help, Ben put away the pots and pans.

After a few more hours, they were finally done. Roger and Ben proudly looked over their new home.
"Are you happy with everything, prescious?", Ben asked.
"I am. It looks great. Thank you guys for your help," Roger said to their friends.
"You're welcome," they all said.
"Why don't you stay for dinner? That's the least we can do to properly thank you," Ben offered.
"You don't have to ask me twice, darling," Freddie agreed.
"I wouldn't complain either," John said.
Brian nodded.
"Of course. Thanks."

It had already become band tradition to order pizza together at least once a month. So, that's what they did. While they were waiting for their food to be delivered, they sat down in the living room for a game of Scrabble. It quickly turned into a heated discussion.

"No, Freddie, 'n' is not a word," Brian sighed.
"What do you mean, of course 'n' is a word."
"It most definitely is not."
Ben rested his head on Roger's shoulder.
"I feel like this round is going to take a while," he whispered to him.
Roger scoffed.
"You better get used to it. This happens every time."

Brian and Freddie continued to argue even when the delivery service arrived. John followed Ben and Roger to the door to avoid them.
The woman bringing their food happened to be an acquaintance of theirs. Although Ben didn't recognize her until she opened her mouth.

"Oh hi, Roger!"
Roger looked just as confused as Ben for a second. Then he remembered.
"Oh! Hi. Emily, was it?"
"Emma," she corrected him.
"Oh right, that's my bad."
Ben hoped sincerely that she would just hand over the pizza cartons and leave. She did not.

"You didn't call me about the open spot in the band at all. Did you lose my number?", she asked.
Ben stepped in between her and his boyfriend.
"No, actually, we already have a bassist now. This is Deaky."
John raised his hand.

Emma skeptically looked him up and down for a second, before her eyes returned to Roger.
"Oh, that's a shame," she said.
"Yeah... Such a shame." Roger laughed nervously.
"But if you didn't lose my number, why don't you call me some time? It would really make my day." She winked.

Ben's patience was declining rapidly. He grabbed his wallet from a drawer in the hallway and demonstratively opened it in front of Emma.
"How much will that be?"
Roger took the pizza cartons from Emma, which earned him an overly grateful smile.

"Well... Usually that would be £49.50."
Emma twirled a strand of hair around her finger.
"But I could give you a discount if-"
Ben drew a £50 bill from his wallet and handed it to her.
"Here, keep the change. Have a good one."
Before she could say anything else, Ben slammed the door shut in front of her face.

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