Chapter 48 (xxx)

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Hey guys!
Apologies for this insanely late upload. So, this one will be a smut chapter. If you are not comfortable reading smut, you can just skip it, you will not miss any important information.
That being said, for those who do decide to read it: this was my first attempt at writing smut, which is also the reason it took so long to get done. I'm not sure if it's good or not, I'll leave that for you to judge.
Anyway, here goes nothing

Later that evening, Ben and Roger took turns in the bathroom. After showering, Ben grabbed a book and laid down on the bed. He wasn't that tired yet, and needed to keep himself busy. His thoughts still kept spinning around the one question he had been trying to find an answer to since this afternoon. He made it half way through the second chapter of the novel when Roger walked into the room. Ben looked up and carefully placed the book on his nightstand.

"Wanna cuddle?", he asked, holding an arm out for Roger.
"I actually wanted to ask you something."
Roger sat down on the bed, facing Ben. It was hard to tell in the dim light, but it looked like he was blushing. Unsure what was on his mind, Ben sat up as well.
"What is it, love?"
"I think I'm ready," Roger said.
Ben tilted his head.
"Ready for what?"

Instead of answering, Roger took Ben's hands in his own and brought one of them up to his chest, the other to his hip. Ben's eyes widened when he understood. Instinctively, he retrieved his hands.
"Are you sure?"
Roger nodded, seemingly hesitant, but his voice was firm.
"I am."
Ben was taken aback. A dozen questions popped up in his head at the same time, and he didn't know which to prioritize.

"Unless you don't want to?", Roger added after a few seconds of silence.
"No, that's not it. It's just... I assumed that sex would be off the table for us. Which I would be totally fine with," Ben clarified.
"I know I always said I'd wait however long it takes, but even if you were never ready, that would not make a difference to me. So, please don't feel like you have to do anything because of me. Do you really want this?"

"Benny." Roger's tone was calm, but serious. His fingers gently traced along Ben's jaw.
"I really do. I mean, I don't know how this will go. Maybe I will get overwhelmed. But I don't think waiting any longer will make a difference. And to be honest, I hate the fact that she was the last person to touch me. If it is okay with you, I'd like to try."

Ben nodded slowly.
"It is okay with me." He was still struggling to believe what was happening.
Roger chuckled softly.
"Good. Because you have no idea how much I've been wanting this too."
"You have?" Ben's voice came out higher than intended.

"Of course." Roger's hand wandered down Ben's neck and to his chest.
"I mean, have you seen yourself?"
The look in Roger's eyes told Ben that he meant what he said. Now that he was sure of it, Ben pulled Roger closer. Softly, but wanting, Ben parted Roger's lips with his tongue. A small gasp was followed by Roger's hands caressing Ben's back over his shirt.

Before he could lose himself in the kiss, Ben pulled back. Roger looked at him with wide eyes. His breath was already unsteady.
"One more thing, my love," Ben said.
"Before we do anything, we need a safe word. Just in case."
"And what should that be?"
Without thinking, Ben blurted out the first word that popped into his head.
His suggestion brought a confused half smile to Roger's face.
"Galileo? Who even is Galileo?"
"Oh, don't worry about it," Ben mumbled, a little embarrassed.

Roger shrugged.
"Alright, Galileo it is."
He wanted to lean in for another kiss, but Ben stopped him.
"Wait. One more thing." The sudden change in Roger's attitude was making him nervous. He was worried he would regret everything afterwards.
"Brian told me you couldn't tell... her to stop. Will a safe word even work?"
Roger hesitated for a second.
"I don't think that will be a problem with you," he said. But Ben wasn't convinced.
"How about, if you can't, you tap my shoulder three times?"

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