Chapter 43

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Ben would not have thought that he would ever feel like a true member of the band. But by the end of the summer, after they had finished recording their first album, and given a couple more concerts together, he was proven wrong. He was almost a bit sad when they had to step back from performing when the universities opened up again.
Since he had no qualifications to show, Ben could not sign up for anything himself. Roger however, was having his first biology lecture today. He was only going to be gone for a few hours, but Ben had insisted on packing him some lunch, just so he could sneak a cheesy note into his bag.

Have a good first day, prescious
I'm proud of you and I love you,
your Benny

He carefully folded the note and placed it on top of the sandwich in Roger's lunchbox. Roger just came out of the bathroom when Ben slipped the box into his bag.
"That was really not necessary, but it is sweet," he said with a soft smile.
"Anything for you, my love." Ben took Roger's hands and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"I'll miss you while you're gone."
Roger rolled his eyes.
"Oh, you. It'll only be what? Four hours?"
"That's a long time to be without you," Ben pouted.
"It will go by really fast if you keep yourself busy. You could clean the house for example," Roger suggested with a playful glint in his eyes.
Ben handed Roger his bag.
"Um actually, I think you should leave now."
Roger giggled.
"Alright, I'll see you later, darling."

Despite his initial reaction, Ben took Roger's request to heart and spent the next two hours cleaning. He didn't want Roger to have to deal with chores when he came home.
Once he was done, he grabbed pen and paper and headed out onto the back porch to write down some song lyrics. It couldn't hurt to get his work for the second album done early. He got a good amount of it done, now that he had no distractions. So much in fact, that at some point he started to wonder if Roger shouldn't be back already.

He abandoned his notes and went back inside to check the time. Roger had estimated that he would be home by one, and now it was already one thirty. Ben didn't think too much of it. He probably just went to grab food on the way home or something. That reminded him he didn't have lunch yet, so he brought his stuff inside and started cooking.

Another hour went by, and Roger still wasn't home. Now Ben was beginning to get a little concerned. What could Roger be doing? Surely, if he was with one of the guys, he would have let him know? Ben decided to call them anyway, just in case. After a minute of it ringing, Freddie picked up the phone.

"Hey Fred, it's Ben."
"Oh, hey darling! How are you and Roger doing?", Freddie asked excitedly.
"I guess that already answers my question," Ben said.
"Rog still isn't back from his lecture. I thought he might be with you."
"Oh, that's strange. Have you called Brian yet?"
"I haven't," Ben replied.
"But I will in a second."

"Yes, do that. Deaky isn't home yet either, but I know that he's still busy. So he can't be with him. Maybe try calling Clare as well. Do you have her number?"
"I do. That's a good idea, thanks mate."
"Of course. If neither of them know, and he still doesn't show up, feel free to call me again," Freddie offered.
"Thanks. I'll keep you updated."
"Please do. And good luck."
"Thank you. Goodbye."

Ben hung up and immediately started dialing Brian's number. He wasn't sure if his worry was justified. It hadn't been that long afterall. But given his situation, Roger usually wouldn't be out all by himself without telling anyone.
The phone rang, but nobody picked up. Not wanting to waste any time, Ben hung up and called Clare instead. He nervously tapped his fingers on the coffee table as he waited.

"Clare Taylor?", she finally answered.
"Hi Clare, it's Ben. I'm calling because of Rog. He's not with you, is he?"
"No, he's not. Do you not know where he is?"
"I don't. He was supposed to be home an hour and a half ago. I might be over reacting, but after the thing with Emma, I am a bit worried," Ben admitted.
He knew that Roger had told his sister about the incident.
"Yeah, it might be better if we go and look for him," she said.
"You'd help me with that?"
"Of course. I can be on campus in about forty minutes, if that works for you," Clare said.
"That would be great. Thank you."

They said their goodbye's and hung up. As Ben wouldn't be taking as long as Clare to get to Roger's university, he tried to call Brian again, but he still didn't answer. Part of him hoped that he was with Roger, but he knew it was most likely wishful thinking.
As promised, Ben updated Freddie on the situation. He offered to come along and help them with their search, and Ben gladly accepted.

He left a note on the dining table, in case Roger would come home while he was gone. Without wasting any more time, Ben grabbed his keys, and headed outside. He sincerely hoped he would just run into Roger on his way, double checked every street he passed, but luck wasn't on his side. He grew more and more anxious as he made his way through the city.

Hey guys! I think we've all waited long enough for more drama, haven't we? Come back next week for more!


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