Chapter 21

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The following week Freddie and Ben were at Brian's place while Roger was busy with classes. The three were sitting around a table, drinking tea. Brian looked skeptically at Ben.
"So you're telling me that this isn't a joke? You're from the future and just randomly appeared at that bar the night we met? I'm supposed to believe that?" Ben helplessly looked at Freddie, who was getting impatient.

"I already told you it's not a joke. Why would I keep insisting on it if it was? I'm not trying to make myself look like a lunatic." Brian still didn't look convinced. Ben was starting to worry it may have been a mistake to let him in on things.
"Right. And do you have any proof for that at all?", Brian asked.
"I didn't actually write any of the lyrics myself," Ben admitted.
"I just remembered them."
"That's actually how I figured it out," Freddie added.
"I had already written some of the lyrics to Seven Seas of Rhye, but I didn't tell Ben. He wrote the exact same lines."
"He could have found your notes."
"No, he couldn't have. They were in a drawer in my room, and Ben hadn't yet been in my room at that point."

"I don't know. It still sounds like you are making this up."
"Bri, come on," Freddie exasperated himself.
"You should know me well enough by now. If I was joking I wouldn't keep trying to convince you when it clearly isn't working. You don't have to believe it for all I care, but we could really use your help. That's the only reason we're telling you this. If you're not going to help us, fine. Forget I said anything, we'll go and figure something else out." He was about to stand up from his chair, but Brian held him back.

"Freddie, wait. You're right. I do know you enough to realize that this isn't the kind of joke you would make. It's just..." He was at a loss of words.
"Really unbelievable?", Ben helped him out. Brian nodded.
"Exactly. And I'll have you know, if this is a joke after all, it's not funny. But if it's not, I do want to help you."
"Thank you," Ben said sincerely.
"About time," Freddie said annoyed. Ben rolled his eyes at him.

"So, what exactly is it that you want my help with?", Brian asked. Ben hesitated. He had been asking himself that same question a lot these past few days. What did he even want? If he had the choice to return to his old life, that would mean leaving his new friends behind. Leaving Roger behind. Losing Freddie altogether. For a while he thought he could get over that eventually, but the more time he spent with all of them, the more conflicted he felt.

"Good question," he mumbled.
"I guess the first thing would be to figure out how the hell this even happened. And then I have to think about what I'm going to do." Brian nodded understandingly.
"That makes sense. If this really is true, this must all be quite hard for you." Ben looked down at his mug.
"It is. But I'm managing, thanks to all of you."
"Mostly thanks to Roger, I assume," Brian said, a smile forming on his face.
"You assume incorrectly," Freddie jested. "It is all thanks to me, his amazing roommate, wingman and personal entertainer." Brian sighed.
"Of course it is."

They kept talking for a few more hours. Brian promised to gather any and all information on time theory he could find. As an astrophysics student, he would be able to provide them with at least some material. Eventually Ben and Freddie headed home. They didn't want to raise unnecessary suspicion on Roger's side. As much as he wished he could talk to him about everything, after Brian's reaction Ben was more certain than ever that it wasn't worth the risk. If Roger wouldn't believe him, that would make everything a whole lot more complicated.

When Ben and Freddie stepped into the apartment, Roger was on the phone, his expression tense.
"I know. That's the only reason I'm telling you," he said. Ben and Freddie quietly sat down on the sofa.
"Look, if you don't want me to come anymore, just say that," Roger snapped at whoever was on the other end. Ben had a feeling he knew what this was about. He and Freddie exchanged concerned looks. Roger drew in a deep breath.
"No. That's out of the question. I'm not going to argue about this. It's your decision, mom. Either Ben and I are coming together or not at all."

Ben couldn't help but feel guilty for the situation he had indirectly brought Roger into.
"Can we continue this conversation tomorrow?", Roger asked his mother. "My roommates just got home." He rolled his eyes.
"Yes, roommates plural. Ben and Freddie, who you know about, who is my friend and nothing more." His voice was sharp, making Ben flinch.

"Good. I will talk to you tomorrow. Goodbye." Roger hung up and let out a frustrated sigh.
"I'm so sorry, Rog," Ben said.
"I really don't want to cause trouble for you. It's okay if you go alone, really." Roger shook his head. He let himself sink into the couch between Ben and Freddie. "Don't apologize. It's not your fault my family is like this. My mom said she doesn't really have an issue with it, but she thinks my dad might, so she told me to wait until after Christmas to come out to him. But I'm not going to do either of them that favor."

Ben hesitantly put a hand on Roger's shoulder.
"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to put up with this."
"That is such a stupid thing to ask of you," Freddie agreed. Roger rested his head on Ben's shoulder.
"I'll be fine," he said. Ben wasn't convinced, but didn't really know what to say. They were silent for a while.

"Do you even still want to go?", Roger asked eventually.
"I'll come with you if you go," Ben said. He didn't want Roger to have to face his family alone after what had just happened. Roger nuzzled his face into Ben's neck.
"Thanks. I don't want to give up just yet. Maybe they'll come around."
"I hope so," Ben whispered, and kissed Roger's cheek.


Hey guys! It is finally time for some drama. But don't worry, it's not the worst of the story yet. I'll see you next time!


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